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"Wake up Taehyung!"

Jungkook gulped. "...I fucked your sister!"

Taehyung's eyes slowly but surely opened as he blinked multiple times to see through the crust surrounding his small eyes. He begun to stretch, and felt something underneath him. His eyebrows furrowed as he ran his hand over the figure underneath him in attempt to get an idea of what it was.

"Taehyungie, if you wanted to feel me up you could've just asked." Jungkook spoke with a light smirk playing on his thin, pink lips.

He was quick to bring his fists to his face to rub his eyes to fully wake himself up. Taehyung suddenly realised upon waking up properly that the familiar voice belonged to Jungkook who seemed to be in big space. He was quite surprised to see Jungkook laying in his bed with him as he went to bed alone, but concluded that Jungkook must've snuck himself into his bed during the middle of the night.

"Oh- Jungkook. Sorry." Taehyung apologised as he lifted himself off of him.

Jungkook pushed himself up and sat up on the bed with his legs crossed as he rested his hands atop of his lap that was covered by the duvet.

"Hyung. I want to apologize. I'm sorry for letting what happened between Jimin and I happen."

"You don't need to be sorry. I'm not affected by it unlike Yoongi hyung." Taehyung muttered.

Jungkook shot him a small smile as he reached out to caress Taehyung's wrist. "But you were. I heard you crying and- and your face dropped completely upon hearing about what we did. You don't have to admit how you feel because believe me— I know."

"W-what?" He stuttered out as he looked away from Jungkook with light pink cheeks.

"Taehyungie. I've noticed how your eyes sparkle when I smile, I can literally feel happiness radiating off of you when you're with me, you love to take care of me and get so worried beyond belief when I'm not okay. You treat me with such care as if I'm chinaware. Hyung, I know you love me."

"Jungkook I know I've betrayed your trust because I was never supposed to fall in love with you and I'm s-"

"Hyung, I love you too." He voiced with a bright, wide grin on his face.

Taehyung looked up and turned to face Jungkook who brought his warm, soft hands up to cup his face. "Really?"

"Really really." He spoke with a slight petulance laced into his tone.

"You mean that Jungkook? Because if you're just saying it-"

Taehyung was cut off once again but not by Jungkook talking, but by his lips pressed against his. Their lips moved in sync as if they were meant to be attached to one another like puzzle pieces. A rush of euphoria courses through Taehyung's bloodstream as he gripped Jungkook's small waist to fathom the reality of their intimacy. Sparks flew between the two as the kiss only intensified. Jungkook managed to pull away from Taehyung's hungry lips to catch his breath, though, he loved the feeling of his lips against Taehyung's.

It may have been too early to tell, but Jungkook was sure that had already become addicted to his lips. He had now picked his poison, and it was Taehyung.

"Does that suffice or do you need something more assuring?" Jungkook asked before wiping his wet lips with his thumb.

"Look at you being all confident. What happened to the Jungkookie who could barely spare me a glance when I came home from work?" Taehyung inquired.

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