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"... Baby?"

"'M here, hyungie. I love you."

"Baby I thought you hated me. I love you so much and without you, I swear to god my life is meaningless."

"Don' worry. Gonna stay with you forever!"

"Baby boy, I love you so much."

"I love hyungie too."

Taehyung gave a small chuckle. "It's a shame we gotta work today. But I promise we can spend all evening together!"

"No! I don' wanna be big!"

"Jungkook..." Taehyung trailed off as Yoongi was beginning to walk away so his voice became faint.

Yoongi smiled to himself as he was eavesdropping on Taehyung and Jungkook's conversation. His smiled faltered when he remembered when he and Jimin used to be that affectionate. Nowadays, it's Jimin's naughty, he receives a punishment, cries and then they have meaningless sex.

Yoongi may have a hard time conveying his emotions, but even he requires a sufficient amount of love in a relationship and right now, his and Jimin's love was dying. He wouldn't even consider the thought of leaving Jimin but he felt as if he couldn't carry on with whatever they were doing.

Yoongi left the apartment, closing the door behind him and making him way back to his car which he sat in for a few minutes thinking until he received a call from Hoseok.

"You're an asshole you know that?"


"Hoseok please, I'm not in the mood right now."

"Well you better get into the mood because we need to talk about how you treat your boyfriend."


"Seriously Hoseok. I mean it. I'm not in the fucking mood."

"And I care what mood you're in because...? How could you just leave Jimin here knowing he was upset and ignore-"


"You know what? Why don't you be Jimin's caregiver because I'm done! And while you're at it, you might as well be his fucking boyfriend too!"



Yoongi hung up on his best friend and threw his phone onto the passenger seat. He leaned his head against the wheel and let out tears he didn't even know he was holding back.

All his friends, apart from Taehyung, ever did was complain about every small thing he did concerning Jimin. He told himself in the beginning that he could do this, he thought he proved himself wrong when in reality, he was right all along.

He couldn't take care of Jimin like he needed him too. He didn't know how to deal with his extended outbursts, he couldn't keep doing this to himself when he knew he wasn't good enough for Jimin. He wasn't who the little needed. Jimin deserved so much better.

Yoongi shoved his key into the ignition and started up the car to get home. He needed to be alone with his thoughts and just let out everything he's been holding in.

Once he got home, he ran up to his and Jimin's bedroom and cried on their made bed. He hadn't bothered to do anything but cry and think about what a shit boyfriend he was, let alone caregiver.

Yoongi cried so much that he lost all his energy and ended up sleeping with wet cheeks and negative thoughts surging through his mind.

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