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Taehyung sat at the breakfast bar in the kitchen with a cup of tea in hand. The events of last night hadn't left his mind and all his thoughts revolved around Jungkook's unusual behaviour. He shouldn't quite seem to rid his quiet, shaky words from his memory as they replayed in his mind like a broken record.

What's a little? Upon questioning Jungkook, Taehyung pulled his phone out his pocket and typed his burning question into the google search bar.

The results his question showed shocked him further, but it explained why Jungkook had been acting the way he did last night.

"Jungkook's an adult baby?" He whispered to himself as he tried to make sense of the information given to him.

He heard a door being fiddled with and immediately switched his phone off and took a casual sip from his mug as his eyes wondered around the kitchen.

Jungkook walked into the kitchen not daring to make eye contact with Taehyung. He was stubborn on his main objective of not interacting with his roommate, and to do so he maintained eye contact with the floor.

Taehyung watched Jungkook reach up to a cabinet and within seconds, a glass bowl slipped from Jungkook's grasp and smashed onto the floor, fortunately missing his head by a few centimetres.

Jungkook jumped at the loud impact and mindlessly acted on instinct as he attempted to pick up pieces of the broken bowl with his bare hands and inevitably cut the palm of his hand on the ragged pieces of glass.

"Fuck!" He hissed as he gripped his hand tightly in hopes to stop the painful stinging sensation running through his left hand.

Taehyung swiftly jumped off the stool and ran to Jungkook's aid. He grabbed the wrist of his injured hand and lead him into the bathroom.

Jungkook sat on the edge of the bathtub and stared down at his slippers as his teeth tugged on his bottom lip while Taehyung rummaged through the cabinet in bathroom for disinfectant, cotton wool balls and plasters. Once he found them he gathered them and tested them on the unit by the sink and begun to clean Jungkook's wound carefully.

As he cleaned him up, Jungkook's head was still hung low which made Taehyung frown as he blamed himself for him hurting himself because in the long run, Jungkook being a nervous wreck was his fault.

"You should look up, Kooks. Looking down is what got you into this mess in the first place." Taehyung advised as he gave him a kind smile.

Jungkook followed what he was told to avoid having to talk to Taehyung. A light blush crept onto his cheeks when he noticed that Taehyung was staring at him with an inviting smile still playing on his lips.

"I have to go to work so I'll see you soon, and try to not use your left hand too much."

Jungkook could only nod at his hyung's words, not wanting to respond. Taehyung stayed for a few seconds after speaking to observe Jungkook's expression which only showed embarrassment.

He sighed and ruffled Jungkook's thick black locks before leaving the bathroom to put his shoes on and walk out of the door to leave for work.

Taehyung felt uncomfortable about leaving Jungkook alone since he was a potential danger to himself considering what had just happened, but he unable to take the day off, and the only solution that came to mind was calling Yoongi to ask if he'd be able to keep a close eye on Jungkook during his absence.

"Hey Tae."


"Hi hyung. Can you talk right now?"


"If I couldn't do you think I would've answered your call?"

"Well... no. But I need to tell you something. Last night when I came home from work I caught Jungkook crying as he hugged stuffed animals and-"

"What the hell did you say to him?"

"I- I asked him what he was doing, he said nothing, but I didn't believe him so I made him tell me the truth and he said he was a little."


"What did you do after he told you?"


"Don't get mad, but... I left him crying in his room."


"Dickhead. You're so stupid I can't even comprehend your stupidity?"

"But why does that sound like a question-"


"Oh my god! Just shut up and come over to my apartment after work and I'll explain everything."


"Okay, and could Jungkook spend the day with you and Jimin?"



"He's a danger to himself alone."


"I'll get to Seokjin to drop him mine."

"Thanks hyung."


"Don't mention it."

Taehyung slid his phone back into his pocket and got into his car. He sat in the car for a while, thinking about Jungkook and what himself and Yoongi had discussed. He felt as if he was being left out of a loop that everyone else was in.

What did any of this even mean? Why does Jungkook act this way? How does Yoongi know? What is a little?

His overthinking of the subject racked his brain so he tried to focus on the things to get Jungkook and his antics off his mind. Taehyung started up his car and headed to work and even though he had attempted to, his questions and suspicions hadn't left his mind once throughout his day.

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