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"Hyung?" Jungkook called out as he awoke from his peaceful, uninterrupted sleep.

Taehyung had been gone for around three hours and it was now 11:36pm. Jungkook hated being alone when it was dark out, and now he had a caregiver who was also his boyfriend, he was even more anxious than he would normally be.

"D-damn you Taehyung." Jungkook muttered as he stood from Taehyung's bed.

He strolled out of Taehyung's room and into his own to put on sweatpants. Once he had them on, he walked to the living room and turned the TV on to a drama which he wasn't too familiar with.

The sudden sound of the door being banged made Jungkook jump, his heart thumping against his chest as if it was about to burst through his porcelain skin. He turned the TV off to make sure he could hear what was going on outside of the apartment. He decided the turn the lights off incase it was a robber at the door.

"W-who's there?!" Jungkook shouted with a shaky voice.

Whoever was outside replied with a grunt then the door flung open which resulted in Jungkook screaming and grabbing whatever he could to throw at the figure standing at the door.

The lights switched on and there stood Taehyung. He was looking at him with wide eyes, wondering why he felt the need to throw things and why he was so alarmed.

"Baby... why?" Taehyung asked, the shock evident in his tone.

"I-I thought you were a murderer, or a robber, o-or a kidnapper. 'M sorry hyung."

Jungkook twiddled his thumbs while looking down embarrassedly. He couldn't bring himself to look at the face of his boyfriend who he unintentionally attacked with anything and everything he could grab.

"Don't worry about it babe." Taehyung told him, engulfing him in his arms.

Jungkook loosened up as his hyung held him, reassuring him that he was okay and that he didn't have to be embarrassed.

"I really don't like being left alone while it's dark, hyung." Jungkook informed, speaking into his chest.

"You should've told me earlier, baby. But now I know, I can make adjustments to the time I'll be back from work so you won't have to be home alone while it's dark out."

"Thank you hyungie." Jungkook mumbled slowly but surely slipping into his headspace.


"Yes baby?"

"Can we make rules?"

"Rules for what, baby?" The older asked confused.

"Rules for me when I'm feeling small."

"Sure. In fact, I have a present for you."

The little's eyes widened when he heard the word present. Jungkook loved receiving gifts from people he loved and loved making artsy things for his loved ones even more.

"Can I see it?" He asked as he gave Taehyung wide puppy eyes.

"Of course you can. Here you go."

Taehyung handed a bag to his dongsaeng and he took it from him without snatching. He looked inside the bag to see A3 and A4 coloured paper, crayons, pencils, gel pens, colouring pencils, new colouring books and a new stuffed animal to add his collection.

"Hyungie!" Jungkook exclaimed jumping onto Taehyung who cupped Jungkook's ass in his hands to hold him up on his waist.

"Thank. You. So. Much." Jungkook thanked, pecking Taehyung's lips between his thankful words.

"Your welcome, baby. Now let's get started on these rules before we get sleepy."

"Yes hyungie!"

Taehyung put Jungkook down before he could lay on his stomach on the floor pulling a sheet of A4 paper from the bag and all his new gel pens. Jungkook wrote on the top of yellow paper in green 'Kookie's little rules' messily but readable. In red he wrote number one as Taehyung sat on the floor in front of him.

"What's gonna be rule one?" Jungkook asked while tapping his pen against his pursed lips.

"Always be nice to hyungie." Taehyung suggested.

He nodded and wrote in down then wrote number two.

"Rule two?"

"Why don't you pick this one baby?" Taehyung suggested to his dongsaeng who put his index finger on his head to help him think.

"I got it! Hyungie always has to love me and I always has to love hyungie."

"I like that a lot, Koo." Taehyung nodded.

"Rule three?"

"Tell hyungie when you're sad or mad."

"Mhm." The little hummed to show that he agreed.

"Rule four?"

"Listen to hyungie."

"Always?" Jungkook questioned.

"Always." Taehyung confirmed.

"Rule five?"

"Inside voices only."

"Rule six?"

"Tell hyungie when you want to have playtime. Also, only have playtime with hyungie." Taehyung told him, making sure he included the last part as he didn't want a repeat of what happened with him and Jimin.

"Is- is playtime what Jiminie showed me?"

"Yes baby."

Jungkook nodded to his words and made sure that he underlined the part where it said to only have playtime with hyungie.

"Rule seven?" Jungkook asked.

"If you break any of the rules, then he gets a punishment."

Jungkook shivered at the memory of Taehyung giving him spankies. He didn't like how he could still feel the pain in his bottom when he sat down.

"Rule eight?"

"Punishments are no TV, no sweets, corner time, no stuffies and spankies if necessary." Taehyung told him, cringing at the mention of spankies. He hated inflicting pain on his baby.

"Spankies? No sweeties? N-no stuffies? " Jungkook retorted in disbelief at how harsh his punishments were.

"Yes baby. They are punishments but I hope I don't have to use them so behave."

"Of course, I'm a good boy!"

Taehyung chuckled at Jungkook's confidence in his behaviour.

"I think that's it baby." Taehyung told Jungkook yawning.

"I'm gonna put it on the fridge."

Jungkook picked up the paper from the floor and stood then walked into the kitchen and put the paper underneath a blue magnet so it stayed on the fridge.

"Are you done baby?" Taehyung asked wrapping his arms around the younger's waist.


"Let's go to bed then. You're with hyungie tonight." Taehyung told him.

The little walked with him into his room since he wasn't against sleeping with Taehyung, knowing that they'd end up cuddling one another.

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