Chapter 57

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I Airbend at the thick wooden bars of my cell, but it doesn't do anything. There's nothing for me to Earthbend in here. I pull some water out of the air and start slicing away at the bars. But it barely does anything. I'll save Firebending as a last resort. I sit on the mat and breathe heavily.

"WHERE'S MY WIFE!?" I hear my hot tempered husband yell from the distance. My eyes widen and I jump up. I shoot a fire blast at the wooden bars and they explode, leaving a circular hole for me to escape through. I run out of the room and down a few halls. I stop and close my eyes to try and find Zuko's energy source. I find it in a huge room and on a platform surrounded by lava. I run into the big room and start running on the wall while creating lightning. Zuko, Aang, Katara, Rin, Toph, and Sokka are on the platform. But there's around twenty of those black clothed people on it with them.

"Get away from my family!" I yell as I shoot lightning towards the crowd of enemies. They dodge it though and seem to be shocked that I escaped. I Airbend onto the platform and look at my family over my shoulder.

"Zuko, get Katara and Sokka out of here now! Aang, Rin, Toph, and I have to handle this." I tell my husband. He looks hesitant but then grabs the siblings and blasts the three of them over to the exit. I wait till they leave before looking at my brother and best friends.

"Bare foot?" I ask Aang and Rin. They nod and kick their shoes off. I kick mine off and smirk before blowing air onto the lava, cooling it and getting rid of the only light source in the room. But now only Aang, Toph, Rin, and I can see anything. Our Earthbending allows us to see the world through vibrations. That's when the fight begins. But it doesn't take us long since the enemies can't see. So once we're done, we run out of the building.

"How did you escape?" Aang asks once we get far enough away from the building. I grin at him.

"They put me in a wooden cell. They're not very smart." I reply. Toph and Rin laugh while Aang smiles at me. Suddenly I'm pulled into a hug and I instantly hug back knowing it's Zuko.

"Is Masumi okay?" I ask. He nods and buries his face in my hair.

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have just ran away like that. You're pregnant and I ran when you were in danger..." Zuko mutters. I sigh.

"Zuko, I told you to run. You were going to be in more danger than me because they actually want you dead." I reply. He doesn't reply, instead he just starts to pull me down the street. The others follow, conversing with each other loudly. When we get to the palace, I see Mai holding Masumi. She doesn't notice us.

"Your father is an idiot sometimes. I hope you'll listen to your mom more as you're growing up." Mai says to my daughter. I snicker and Zuko pushes me playfully. Ty Lee cartwheels over to Mai.

"But the baby seems to like Zuko a lot. I don't think your wish will come true Mai...unfortunately." Ty Lee says. Zuko and I decide we should make ourselves known to our friends. The youngest smiles at us as we move into view.

"Oh good! Now I can go to the bathroom." Mai says before handing me the baby and running into the palace. I raise an eyebrow and laugh at her.

"Did you stop the bad guys?" Ty Lee asks as she does a back bend. Zuko nods as he takes Masumi from me.

"Yeah. Zuko lost his temper a little bit. It was kinda funny." I reply. Rin snorts.

"A little bit? He shot a fire ball at a guy's head when asking, more like yelling, where they were keeping you. I mean, how would we find out where you are if the guy who knows is dead?" Rin points out. I nod.

"Alright. You have a really good point there." I admit. Zuko huffs and sulks as he enters the palace. I laugh and shake my head. Sometimes I feel like I might be the more mature one of this marriage.

Hello my children!!! I'm so sorry my updates are SUPER spaced out lately. I hardly find time to read the comics and such right now so I've been making these fillers. But I also wanted to celebrate with you because we got to 100k reads(technically 99.8k at the time of publishing)!!! Like oh my god, thank you all so much!

I could not have gotten here without all of you! At one point this was on the top Fanfiction list but that ended quickly and I forgot to record my highest ranking T-T

But I feel really proud of this book even though I of course regret a few things here and there as I'm sure most authors do.

Please continue to support me and this book! I love you all so much! I would appreciate it if you would all check out some of my other books or share this one with all of your friends. I really hope to be up on a ranking list again so I can put something up in the description for us all to be proud of!

Thank you for all of your encouragement and love towards this story! I'll try my best to continue writing it!

- Day♡♡♡

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