Chapter 41

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I sit between Aang and Rin as Zuko pours tea for everyone.

"I'm not as good as Uncle. But hopefully I picked up a thing or two." Zuko says and starts handing out the cups of tea.

"Do you want to hear Uncle's favorite tea joke?" He asks.


"Why not?"

"I love jokes!"

"Okay. I forgot the first part. But the punchline is, 'Leaf me alone. I'm bushed!'." Zuko says, trying to put on his best impersonation of Uncle.

"Uh. It's funnier when Uncle tells it." Zuko says. Rin grins at him.

"That's because he knows the whole thing." She teases. We all laugh.

"You could've forgotten the whole thing, My Dear. So it wasn't bad at all." I say and kiss his cheek when he hands me a cup of tea. He smiles softly at me before going to hand out the rest of the tea.

"Well I'm going to bed. Goodnight everyone." I yawn. They all bid me goodnight. I stand up and go to mine and Zuko's room. I walk over to Masumi's crib and watch my daughter sleeping soundly. I kiss her forehead gently, trying not to wake her. I then climb into bed and pull the covers over me. I just lay there. I'm so tired yet I can't fall asleep. I close my eyes and try so hard to sleep. But then I feel something touch my cheek. I blink and see Zuko sitting on the edge of my side of the bed. He's stroking my cheek.

"Zuko?" I ask softly.

"Sokka and I are going on a trip for a couple days. I'm serious about you not coming with this time. You need to stay here. You'll understand why when we come back." Zuko says. I frown and sit up.

"Where are you going?" I ask worriedly.

"Fishing. But I can sense a bad storm is coming so I want you here where you're safe." Zuko replies. I can tell he's lying. But I don't want to upset him.

"Well, please be careful." I plead. He kisses me.

"I have ten minutes to spare." He mutters, his lips tickling mine as he talks.

"Then we better make it quick." I reply and press my lips to his. He wraps his arms around me and lays me back down.

--Time Lapse--

I yawn and blink. I smile, remembering last night before Zuko left. I sit up and make sure to hold the blanket up to cover me as I get up and grab some clothes to change into. After I'm dressed, I walk across the hall to where we moved Masumi's crib for the night. She's sitting up and sucking on her thumb.

"Hey there, Sweetiepie." I coo and pick her up.

"Uncle Aang will have to help me put your crib back in our room." I say and tickle her tummy as I walk out to where Katara is making breakfast.

"Good morning." I chirp. She raises an eyebrow at me.

"Good morning. You seem happy." She states as she puts food in a bowl and hands it to me.

"I had a wonderful night with Zuko before he and Sokka left." I reply and sit next to her with Masumi in my lap. Things have been tense with Katara. But sometimes she forgets that she's mad at me and talks to me.

"I think I know what you mean by wonderful night. Anyway. They left a note saying they were going fishing. And Zuko told Aang to do 30 hotsquats everytime he hears a frog croak." Katara tells me. I smile.

"Sounds fun. Well, since he's busy today. Would you help me move Masumi's crib back into our room?" I ask. She smiles and nods at me.

"Sure!" She agrees. We eat our breakfast before going to move the crib. I look at my daughter and smile lovingly at her.

"Where are you going?" Rin asks. I look at her.

"We're moving Masumi's crib back into mine and Zuko's room." I reply.

"Why did you move it in the first did the nasty didn't you?" Rin cringes. I roll my eyes at her.

"Just help us move the crib." I tell her. She follows us and still looks disgusted.

"Just hold Masumi. We'll move the crib." Katara tells me. I smile.

"Okay. Thank you both." I reply gratefully. They smile at me. I stand out of the way, rocking Masumi in my arms. They push the crib across the hall to mine and Zuko's room. Masumi looks around and starts to cry.

"Shhh. Daddy will be home soon." I coo and hold her closely. She continues crying.

"Try rocking her." Rin suggests. I nod and rock her side to side gently. She continues to cry. I sigh helplessly.

"Try singing to her." Katara says. I stare at her.

"I haven't sung in front of anyone before." I reply.

"Try." Katara presses on. I bite my lip and look down at my crying daughter. I sit on the bed and kiss her forehead.

"Never tell your father about this young lady." I warn my daughter. She just continues crying.

"Baby mine, don't you cry.
Baby mine, dry your eyes.
Rest your head close to my heart,
Never to part, baby of mine." I sing. She continues crying. Katara gestures for me to continue.

"Little one, when you play,
Pay no heed what they say.
Let your eyes sparkle and shine,
Never a tear, baby of mine." I sing. Masumi calms down a little. Katara and Rin sit on the floor, listening.

"If they knew all about you,
They'd end up loving you, too.
All those same people who scold you,
What they'd give just for the right to hold you." I sing. Masumi sniffles and grabs onto my kimono.

"From your hair down to your toes,
You're not much, goodness knows.
But, you're so precious to me,
Sweet as can be, baby of mine." I finish. Masumi has fallen asleep, holding onto my kimono tightly.

"And you say you've never sang." Katara says with a soft smile.

"I said I never sang in front of anyone. I like singing when I'm alone." I reply, carrying Masumi over to her crib.

"Sleep well, Sweetiepie. Daddy will be home soon."

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