Chapter 8

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Hey everyone! I'm thinking of doing a love story for Aang or Sokka while I do this one since I flip back and forth in interests so it'll mean more for you to read. So comment which you want me to do: Aang or Sokka. - BeatriceIsDauntless

I watch as Zuko practices his Firebending. He's getting better and better everytime. Suddenly the boat shifts and I fall to the ground while Zuko and the soldier he was practicing with hit the railing.

"What's going on?" I ask Zuko. He growls.

"Someone changed our course." He replies. He helps me up and we hurry to the control room.

"What is the meaning of this mutiny!? No one told you to change course!" Zuko yells at the Captain.

"Actually, I did. And I assure you, Prince Zuko, that is of the utmost importance." Uncle Iroh says as he plays a game of Pai Sho with two crew members.

"Does it have to do with the Avatar?" Zuko asks hopefully.

"Even more urgent. It seems I have lost my lotus tile." Uncle replies. I face palm.

"Lotus tile?" Zuko asks in confusion.

"For my Pai Sho game. Most people think the lotus tile insignificant. But it is important to the unusual strategy I employ." Uncle Iroh explains. I glance at Zuko, knowing he's going to get very mad.

"You changed our course for a stupid lotus tile?" Zuko asks, starting to get a bit angry. I place a hand on his arm.

"See, you, like most people, underestimate it's value. Just give me ten minutes to look around the merchants. And hopefully they'll have one in stock. Then I can get on with my life." Uncle says. I bite my lip and step away from Zuko. He shoots some fire and smoke out of his mouth towards the ceiling. Uncle smiles.

"I'm lucky to have such an understanding nephew." Uncle Iroh says. I shake my head and smile.

"Now now, Zuko. Let's get you some tea and calm you down before you start practicing your Firebending again." I say. Zuko glares at me.

"I don't need tea! I just need to practice so I can handle the Avatar better next time!" Zuko exclaims angrily before storming out of the room.

"Zuko!" I shout before running after him. When I reach the deck. Zuko is taking out his anger during his practice. The soldier Zuko is practicing with knocks him to the ground.

"Zu..." I begin, but he does a spin move and fire heads my way. But instead of heading towards my legs like it should, it hits my left forearm. I let out a cry of pain and sink to my knees. Zuko looks at me as I clutch my arm.

"Ivy!" Zuko cries.

"Prince Zuko, we don't have the medical supplies to heal her arm." The soldier Zuko was practicing with says. Zuko sits beside me.

"Find some when we get to the market." Zuko tells the soldier. He nods.

"Yes, Sir." The soldier says. Zuko takes my arm gently and rolls up my sleeve to get a better look. It's a frightening red color and it stings really bad. A few tears fall from my eyes due to the pain.

"I'm so sorry, Ivy." Zuko says, tears filling his eyes. I sniffle.

"You didn't mean to. It was just an accident." I say. Tears stream down Zuko's cheeks.

"But I still burned you. I should've listened to you. I could've prevented this from happening." Zuko chokes out. I stroke his cheek with my good hand.

"I'm not mad at you, Zuzu. But this really hurts so can we go put it in some ice now?" I ask. Zuko nods rapidly and stands up. He helps me up carefully and guides me to his room. He has me sit on his bed.

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