Chapter 4

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I wake up to see that I'm still in Zuko's room. I yawn and sit up, stretching my arms out in the process. I get up and go to the deck to see Zuko and some soldiers soaked on the battle rhinos. My left eye twitches. He went on Kyoshi Island without me? I walk up to Zuko and start using my hair dryer to dry him.

"So. How'd it go?" I ask.

"Could've gone much. Much better." Zuko says. I smile slightly.

"Well. There'll be plenty more chances. At least you're not hurt." I say. He smiles at me and guides me to a more private party of the deck.

"So. Have you thought about what I said last night?" Zuko asks. I furrow my eyebrows. I don't remember what he said. But I didn't hear some of it anyway since I fell asleep.

"Um. Not to rain on your parade but I didn't exactly hear what you said since I fell asleep." I admit. He leans down and presses his lips to mine.

"I love you, Ivy." Zuko says. I smile happily up at him.

"I love you too, Zuko." I reply. He's the best boyfriend any girl could ever ask for.

"Zuko?" I ask.

"Yes?" Zuko asks.

"I think Uncle ate all of the dumplings..." I reply.

"You're worried about food?" Zuko asks with a large, amused smile on his face.

"Zukooooo! I want duuuumpliiiinnnggs!" I whine. He chuckles.

"Alright. I'll get you some dumplings." Zuko says. I grin happily and follow him to the kitchen. He grabs a plate and fills it with dumplings.

"Here you go." Zuko says and hands me the plate. I grin and stuff two dumplings in my mouth.

"I have to go have a meeting with Uncle and the captain. I'll see you afterwards." Zuko says. I smile and nod. He leaves the room and I fall him silently. The meeting goes on about where Aang is going to appear next.

"Once I capture the Avatar. My father will welcome me back with open arms." Zuko says.

"Prince Zuko. Your father isn't the man you make him out to be." Uncle replies.

"Yes he is! He banished me because he's trying to teach me honor and respect!" Zuko yells. I open the door and everyone turn to me.

"Zuko..." I begin.

"What!?" Zuko yells. His good eye widens as he realizes what he had done. "Ivy. I'm so..."

"No. Think about this, Prince Zuko. What kind of father scars and banishes his own son just for speaking out of turn!?" I yell and run down a few hallways till I get to my room. I open the door and slam it behind me once I've entered. I lock the door and sink to the ground as I sob. Minutes, possibly hours, have passed and I'm still crying. I know he's a hothead but really he should realize that his father isn't as great as he thinks he is. There's a knock on my door.

"Ivy. It's me." I hear Uncle say. I open the door and pull him in before closing and locking it again.

"I know. My nephew yelled. But there is no need to cry for four hours." Uncle informs me gently.

"Uncle Iroh. It's not that. It's just that Zuko hasn't learned what kind of man his father really is." I sob. Uncle sighs and hugs me.

"I know, Ivy. But on the bright side. At least you still have Zuko. At least his father didn't kill him that day." Uncle says. I bite my lip and nod.

"You love him right?" Uncle asks. I nod.

"More than anything." I reply.

"Well then you need to tell him that. He's been over training and hasn't drank anything since you yelled at him." Uncle tells me. I frown.

"All I wanted was for him to think about what I said. Not to harm himself." I sniffle.

"I know. But you must fix it before it goes too far." Uncle says. I nod and pull myself together.

"I'll go talk to him." I say. Uncle nods. I run to the deck and see Zuko training. He's obviously not focusing because his moves are sloppy and out of form. He stops when he sees me. I run forward and hug him.

"I didn't mean to yell." I whisper.

"It's okay. I needed to hear it. If I'm going to be with you forever. I'm going to have to learn to listen to what you have to say." Zuko says. My eyes widen when he says that. His face is red when I pull away from him. He pulls out an engagement necklace.

"Um. Since I said that. Will you marry me once the war is completely over?" Zuko asks. I smile and nod.

"Of course I will." I reply happily. He ties the necklace around my neck.

"I love you, Ivy." Zuko says.

"I love you too, Zuko. More than anything." I reply. He smiles at me. I smile back. I peck his lips.

"I'm gonna go show the necklace to Uncle Iroh." I giggle. He chuckles and nods. I run around the ship looking for Uncle, only to find him in my room yet, cross legged where I usually meditate.

"Uncle Iroh." I say. He looks and me and stands up. I walk forward and put two fingers on the pendant of the necklace.

"Is that..?" Uncle trails off. I nod excitedly.

"It is." I reply. He grins and hugs me.

"I am proud of you both." Uncle says. I giggle. He releases me.

"Get some beauty sleep. I need to congratulate, Prince Zuko." Uncle says. I nod.

"Goodnight, Uncle." I say.

"Goodnight, Ivy." Uncle replies. He walks out the door. I close it gently and stare at the door for a while. I can't believe I'm engaged to Zuko, the hotheaded prince of the Fire Nation. The man I love more than anything. I smile as I think about it some more. Then I turn on my heel and start to get ready for bed. I slip off my kimono and pull on my night gown. Then I lay down on my bed. I turn on my left side and blow the candle out. My eyes close and I fall asleep, a nice dreamless sleep that I enjoy more than any other type of sleep.

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