Chapter 43

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It's been four days since Zuko and Sokka came back. I sigh blissfully as I snuggle into Zuko's side. He's still sleeping. It's been peaceful lately. No crazy adventures have come out of the blue since Sokka and Zuko went to the Boiling Rock. I think it should be smooth sailing till the invasion.


"God damnit." I grumble. Zuko shifts and wraps his arms around me as he wakes up with a yawn.


"What is going on?" Zuko asks me tiredly.

"I don't know. I was just laying here with you peacefully until those explosions started a few seconds ago." I reply. He gets up and I whine in protest.

"Pack up our things." Zuko tells me. I nod and get up. I get changed quickly into my usual kimono. I then quickly throw our things in our bags before picking up Masumi and going to the fountain with our things. The explosions continue and Zuko helps me put everything in Appa's saddle.

"Aang, take Appa and get out of here." Zuko tells my brother.

"What about you?" Aang asks.

"I'll handle this. I don't think this is just a random attack. It's a family visit." Zuko replies.

"Let me stay with you." I plead, handing Masumi to Rin. My husband shakes his head.

"I won't be gone long. You're going with Aang, Sokka, Toph, Katara, Suki, and Rin." Zuko replies. I throw my arms around him and press my lips to his. He holds me closely before parting our lips.

"You all need to go. Now." Zuko tells us before running off into the midst of the explosions. I Airbend onto Appa's saddle and help the others up. Aang takes the reins.

"Appa. Yip-Yip." Aang says. The flying bison takes off and Aang steers him away from the Fire Nation war ships.

"I can't believe I'm getting separated from him again." I mutter and take Masumi from Rin.

"Uh. It might be longer than you think..." Sokka trails off. I look back to see Zuko falling into the obisse.

"No!" I cry. I quickly put Masumi in Suki's arms. My eyes flash gold. Avatar Roku appears in my mind.

I have your back, Ivy.

I Airbend off of the saddle and blast myself onto the war ship Azula is standing on.

"Oh little Ivy came to save the day. What a treat." Azula taunts. I kick some fire at her. She dodges it easily.

"That's all you have? You'll be easier than poor Zuzu. Dad won't miss him a bit." Azula cackles. I growl before letting out a roar of fire and put my hands up in front of me. She starts twitching.

"Wha...What are you doing to me?" Azula asks with fear written all over her face.

"Avenging my husband." I reply and go to toss her off the war ship. But someone places their hand on my shoulder. I blink and release Azula. I look back to see Zuko behind me. Avatar Roku smiles at me in my mind before leaving.

"How are you alive? You should be dead right now!" Azula shouts at Zuko.

"Well I have reasons to keep fighting." Zuko replies, glancing at me for a second. I smile at him.

"But my wife and I should really be going." Zuko says, grabbing my waist. I shoot a large blast of fire at her before Airbending us off the war ship. Aang moves Appa under us and Sokka helps us in. We all look back to see Azula falling. Zuko's face falls.

"She's...she's not gonna make it." Zuko says. Azula blasts herself to the cliff wall and digs her hair piece into the rock, saving her from falling to her death.

"Of course she did." Zuko mutters. Suki hands Masumi to Zuko. My husband's mood brightens immediately and he smiles down at our daughter. I smile and rest my head on his shoulder as he cradles Masumi lovingly.

"You have to admit, they're a beautiful family." I hear Aang say to Katara. I glance at them and see Katara smiling lightly.

"Zuko. After Aang defeats Ozai, do you think we could find Uncle Iroh?" I ask. My husband looks at me.

"Of course we can. I still need to apologize to him for everything. I know there's no way he'll forgive me, but I just feel nothing but guilt about what happened. I was stupid and selfish at the time." Zuko replies. I kiss his cheek.

"Uncle will forgive you Zuko. I know he will." I tell him. Zuko smiles softly at me. My stomach churns and vile rises up my throat. I put a hand over my mouth.

"Are you okay?" Sokka asks me. I nod, but bend forward as I try not to vomit.

"Ivy what's wrong?" Rin asks. Zuko gives Masumi to Suki before rubbing my back soothingly. I dive to the edge of the saddle and hurl into the air.

"Let me check her." Katara says and crawls over to me. Zuko moves to where she was sitting, between Toph and Sokka. Katara bends water over her hands and they glow blue as she moves her hands along my body. Her eyes widen.

"What is it?" Zuko asks worriedly.

"Ivy's pregnant."

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