Chapter 39

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I yawn as I walk besides Sokka.

"Why are we walking again?" I ask tiredly.

"Appa gets tired carrying all of these people. Besides, we're almost there." Aang replies. I look around to see nothing even near us.

"Aang, you have been sleeping right?" I ask.

"Yeah." He replies. I sigh and look down at my daughter. She's sleeping peacefully in my arms.

"We're here!" Aang exclaims.

"Where here?" Rin asks as she looks around in confusion.

"No! He's right! We are here! It's amazing!" Toph exclaims. We all get on Appa and head off the cliff. My eyes widen in shock when I see the air temple. It's so beautiful. It's like an upside down city. But at the same time it's right side up.

"Rin, take Ivy to her room. She needs rest." Aang tells me best friend. She nods and helps me off Appa. We grab my things and walk off into the temple. We find an empty bedroom and start setting up my stuff.

"She has your eyes." Rin says, holding my daughter and tickling her tummy.

"Awe shoot. I was hoping the baby would look more like Zuko." I whine.

"She looks like you. I think she's gonna be a carbon copy of you." Rin replies.

"Well I hope if we have another kid, it'll look like Zuko." I say.

"What are you doing here!?" I hear Katara yell. Rin and I hurry out of the temple. Rin is still holding the baby. We stop when we see Zuko standing next to Appa.

"Hello. Zuko here." He greets us. I burst out laughing and he looks at me.

"That's the best greeting you could come up with sweetheart?" I laugh and run to him. He pulls me into a tight hug and I hug him back.

"Don't leave like that ever again. I was so worried about you." Zuko says shakily. I close my eyes.

"I won't. Never again." I say softly and hug him closer to me.

"Wait wait wait. Where's the baby? Why aren't you still pregnant? Did something bad happen?" Zuko panics and pulls away from me slightly to look at my belly.

"The baby is fine. I went into labor two days ago. She's perfectly healthy." I reply. His eyes light up.

"It's a girl?" Zuko asks as tears fill his eyes. I smile and nod, Rin hands the baby to me.

"It's a girl." I confirm and carefully give her to Zuko.

"Hey there little girl." Zuko coos. I smile lovingly at the two.

"Prepare for the best parenting ever!" Zuko exclaims as flames of determination rise up behind him. I roll my eyes as the baby stares up at him curiously.

"You're over doing it." I giggle. The flames go down and Zuko gives me a sheepish smile. I kiss his cheek.

"Did you name her?" Zuko asks.

"No. She was waiting for you, Goofball." Rin says teasingly. Zuko sticks his tongue out playfully at her.

"Well I've thought of a few and I wanted to see if you had any ideas." I tell him.

"Well I like the name Sumi." Zuko says, rocking our daughter gently.

"I like the name Ma. What if we combined them?" I suggest.

"Masumi." Zuko says and a smile grows on his face.

"It's perfect." I say and we both smile at our daughter.

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