Chapter 42

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Five days. It's been five days since Zuko and Sokka left. I pace in front of the fountain, worrying about my husband and close friend.

"I'm sure they're fine." Aang tells me. I look at him.

"What makes you so sure of that? Zuko would've came back by now from a FISHING trip." I reply, panicking slightly.

"Um. Ivy..." Rin begins.

"I mean what was I THINKING!? Letting those two go off alone to do something most likely dangerous and stupid!" I exclaim.

"Ivy..." Toph begins.

"I mean who goes on a FIVE DAY FISHING TRIP!?" I shout.

"Ivy!" Katara exclaims. I look at her.

"What!?" I cry. Aang gestures behind me and I see one of Azula's more advanced war balloons. The door opens and out walks Sokka. Everyone run to greet him. I watch as Hakoda, Katara and Sokka's father, a girl with brown hair, and a tall guy with black hair walk out.

"Sokka where's..." I begin. That's when Zuko walks out. Tears fill my eyes and I run to my husband. I throw my arms around his neck and bury my face in his shoulder. He hugs my waist and buries his face in my hair. Aang walks over to us with a smile. I pull away from Zuko and slap him in the face, feeling my anger build back up.

"WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GO!? YOU WERE GONE FOR FIVE DAYS ZUKO! FIVE BLOODY DAYS!" I scream at him. Zuko stares at me in shock and slight fear. Aang has a similar look on his face.

I pant heavily, glaring at Zuko before breaking down in tears and sinking to my knees

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I pant heavily, glaring at Zuko before breaking down in tears and sinking to my knees.

"What do we do?" Aang asks Zuko as I sob into my hands. Zuko must've just gave Aang a look, because I don't hear him say anything before sitting beside me and hugging me tightly.

"I'm sorry. I should've told you the truth. Sokka and I broke into the Boiling Rock to bust his dad out of jail. We also busted his girlfriend out and a new friend..." Zuko trails off. I look at him.

"What were you thinking? You have a daughter Zuko! She missed you! Hell, I missed you!" I cry.

"I know. And I love you both more than anything! But there's something else I need to tell you." Zuko tells me. I rub my eyes.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Mai helped us get away from Azula. I think she got captured." Zuko tells me. I stop crying and look up at him slowly.

"Mai...Mai got captured?" I ask. He swallows hard as he stands up slowly.

"I-I-I think s-so." He stutters as he backs away. I stand up.

"When Aang takes Ozai down and you get Azula out of the way, you have to get Mai free." I snap. He nods.

"Of course." He replies nervously. My eyes soften.

"Sorry my emotions have been all over the place lately." I sigh. He gives me a smile.

"It's okay. I understand why." Zuko replies. I pull him into a hug and cuddle into him.

"I love you, Zuko." I say softly.

"I love you too, Ivy." Zuko replies. I pull out of the hug and take his hand.

"Masumi will be very happy to see you." I say as I pull him to our room. He grins happily as we go over to Masumi's crib. She looks at him and smiles. She reaches her hands up to him.

"Da..." She begins and gurgles at the end. Zuko and I gasp.

"Come on, Sweetiepie. You can do it." I encourage.

"Da..." She says again. Zuko picks her up and she clings to him.

"Da....da..." She yawns. I squeal in delight and throw my arms around Zuko's middle. He hugs Masumi closely and kisses the top of her head.

"I'm right here Princess." Zuko says softly. We both smile lovingly at our daughter.

"Beautiful." Zuko whispers. "Just like your mother."

"You're just trying to flatter me cause I blew up earlier." I tease. He rolls his eyes and kisses my forehead.

"Now who's the hothead?" Zuko chuckles. I whack his arm with a big smile.

"Still you, Dear." I reply. He pokes his tongue out at me.

"Am not." He argues.

"Are too." I argue back.

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"You're adorable when you argue."

"Oh shut up."

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