Chapter 24

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It's been almost a week since we left the desert town for Ba Sing Se. I only now realize that I've been pregnant for three almost four months. My baby bump can't be hidden anymore.

Which makes me feel self conscious with everyone staring at me

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Which makes me feel self conscious with everyone staring at me. I glance around at people staring at me while Uncle gets our passports approved. I look at a couple, maybe as young as Zuko and I, carrying a little girl. They're staring at me. But when they notice I'm looking at them, they look away quickly. I look at a few more people and they do the same thing. I frown and look at the floor.

"Is everything okay?" Zuko asks worriedly.

"These people are staring at me. Then everytime I glance at them, they look away quickly. They act as though I'm a ticking time bomb about to go off." I reply sadly. Zuko glares at the people around us and wraps an around me.

"Don't mind them. You're beautiful and are definitely not a ticking time bomb." Zuko tells me and kisses my cheek. I smile and look up at him.

"Really?" I ask. He smiles lovingly at me.

"No matter what, you'll always be beautiful." Zuko replies. Rin pretends to puke.

"Zuko, you couldn't get more cheesy than that." Rin teases. Zuko sticks his tongue out at her playfully.

"Onto the fairy we go." Uncle says. We follow him onto the fairy and sit by the railing on the side of the boat. A crew member gives us each a bowl of slop for dinner.

"I'm tired of living like a peasant. My wife and baby need real food." Zuko growls, glaring at the bowl in his hand. A tan guy with bushy hair walks up to us, followed by two other guys, one with a straw hat and the other with red paint markings on his face.

"I heard that you don't like what they're doing either. Well I found out that the captain has a lot of good food while we eat sloppy left overs." The guy says.

"Who are you?" Rin asks suspiciously.

"I'm Jet. And these are my Freedom Fighters. Smellerbee and Longshot." The guy replied.

"So what is it that you want?" I ask.

"We're planning to steal the good food and hand it out to the refugees on the boat. And save some for us. Why should we starve while the captain eats like a king?" Jet asks.

"What kind of king?" Uncle asks.

"The fat, happy kind." Jet replies. Uncle starts drooling. Zuko tosses his bowl in the water.

"I'm in." Zuko says.

"What're your names?" Jet asks.

"My name's Lee. This is my Uncle Mushi, my wife Miwa, and her cousin Rin." Zuko replies, gesturing to each of us and he talks. Jet nods.

"Nice to meet you. Be ready by nightfall." Jet says before walking off with Smellerbee and Longshot. I look up at Zuko.

"Be careful tonight. I don't need you getting hurt...or arrested." I say.

"Everything will be fine. Don't worry." Zuko says softly before pecking my lips and walking off somewhere.

"This baby is going to wander off like an idiot too...isn't it?" I sigh.

"Yup." Rin replies. Uncle chuckles at me.

"Your child will be a wonderful person, Miwa. Just like you and Lee." Uncle tells me. I smile.

"Thank you, Uncle." I say gratefully. He smiles at me. I rest my head on Rin's shoulder and wait for Zuko to come back.

"Miwa. Here." The voice of my husband says and a bowl of rice, mango, and duck appears in front of me. I grin and accept it.

"Thank you, Lee!" I exclaim as he sits down beside me. He kisses my cheek. I blush and begin to eat. Zuko hands Uncle and Rin a bowl of food before eating his own. Jet, Smellerbee, and Longshot sit with us as well. Jet glances at me every once in a while.

"So...Smellerbee is a strange name for a young boy." Uncle says.

"That's cause I'm not a boy! I'm a girl!" Smellerbee exclaims before standing up and storming off. Longshot hurries after her.

"I wasn't expecting that." Uncle says. I giggle.

"You know, we could use more people like you. What do you think of joining us?" Jet asks Zuko.

"I've went my own way for a long time. And realized that it's not the best path." Zuko says. Jet looks hopeful.

"But I have my wife and child to take care of and I'm not going to leave them ever again." Zuko tells Jet. Jet frowns.

"I see. But if you change your mind, come find me." Jet says before leaving. I look at Zuko.

"I'm sorry I'm in your way." I apologize sadly. His eyes widen.

"No! No no! You're not in my way! I meant that I couldn't bear to lose you again!" Zuko cries. I look away from him and continue eating.

" mean everything to me. I'm never going to leave you again. I promise." Zuko says softly. I blink back tears.

"You mean everything to me too." I whisper and rest my head on his shoulder. He sighs in relief before wrapping his arms around me. Rin and Uncle move a little ways away and lay down to sleep. Zuko helps me lay down and he wraps his arms around me protectively.

"Get some rest." Zuko whispers. I bury my face into his neck and slowly fall asleep.

--The Next Day--

I blink and yawn, only to find out that Zuko is carrying me.

"How...I weigh like a million pounds." I say tiredly. Zuko rolls his eyes at me before setting me down next to Uncle.

"We're waiting for a tram into Ba Sing Se." Zuko tells me. I nod.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" Jet asks Zuko. I nod at Zuko and he walks off with Jet.

"Finest tea in Ba Sing Se!" A man exclaims.

"We'll have some!" Uncle calls to him. The man walks over.

"Three Jasmine please." Uncle says. The man hands them to us and I pay for it. The man walks away and we sip our tea. We spit it out is disgust.

"More like coldest tea!" Rin exclaims. I nod in agreement before Uncle and I heat up our tea. Rin pouts.

"No fair." Rin whines. I giggle and heat her tea up for her.

"Thanks." Rin says gratefully. We sip our tea happily. That's when Zuko stomps over and hits the tea out of our hands.

"Hey!" I exclaim.

"That was a pretty stupid move for three smart people." Zuko hisses.

"I know it's no use crying over spilt tea but..." Uncle begins and sniffles.

"It's just so sad." Rin finishes before both her and Uncle burst into tears. I sigh and shake my head at them. The tram pulls up and the doors open. Zuko helps me up and guides me into the tram, Rin and Uncle follow us. We sit down and I lean against Zuko. Once the maximum amount of refugees get on, the tram starts moving. I gasp in awe when I see the giant city.

"It's amazing." I say.

"It truly is." Rin agrees. Uncle nods and Zuko just stares out the window. Maybe we could start a new life here. Just maybe...

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