Chapter 26

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I sit with Uncle and fold one of Zuko's shirts before putting it in a suitcase. Rin and Uncle are folding and packing up their own clothes. Zuko enters the room and pulls a piece of paper out of his shirt.

"So, I was thinking of names for our new tea shop! How about, The Jasmine Dragon? It's dramatic and poetic!" Uncle exclaims. Zuko hands me the piece of paper.

"The Avatar is in Ba Sing Se and he's lost his bison." Zuko says. I gasp when I look at the poster.

"Appa." I say sadly.

"Zuko, think of all the good things that are happening for us. They could all disappear if you start stirring up trouble." Uncle points out.

"You mean for you! Have you ever thought that I might want a life that's more than just serving tea everyday!?" Zuko shouts.

"There's nothing wrong with living a life of peace and prosperity." Uncle says calmly.

"Well I don't want that life! I want my destiny." Zuko replies.

"What that means is up to you. But you must think about your wife and child. You must think of what's best for them." Uncle tells Zuko. I watch as Zuko enters our room and slams the door shut. I frown and look down at the poster. Poor Appa. He must really miss Aang. Uncle places a hand on my shoulder.

"Go get some rest." Uncle says. I sigh and nod.

"You can stay in my room." Rin says. I smile gratefully and go to her room for a nap.

--Later That Night--

"Ivy, wake up!" Rin hisses. I groan.

"What?" I mumble tiredly.

"Zuko left the apartment with a blue mask and duel swords. He was wearing all black too." Rin tells me. My eyes widen.

"Stay here." I tell her before getting up. I leave the room and hear Uncle snoring. I smile before going to leave. I see a little note on the door.


I've gone to find Appa. Lake Lougai. Don't come. It's too dangerous.

- Zuko

Well I know where to go now! I hurry out of the apartment and try to catch up with Zuko. But being almost 4 months pregnant really slows a girl down. I finally reach the lake and see a passage that goes under the water. I make my way down the latter and make my way through the hidden base. I notice a closed jail cell door. I open it and peak through.

"Ivy?" The familiar voice of my husband asks. I enter the cell and close the door behind me.

"Well, the Blue Spirit. I wonder what you could possibly want with my brother's Flying Bison." I say sarcastically. Zuko takes his mask off.

"What are you doing here? I left you a note to stay at the apartment." Zuko says.

"I'm here to keep you from making a big mistake. Don't do it Zuko." I warn him, knowing he's here to hurt Appa. Or even kill him.

"I have to do this. It's my destiny." Zuko growls.


"How would you know!? You're so sure about YOUR destiny! I've had to work hard for mine while you were born with yours!" Zuko snaps. I glare at him.

"Don' ACT LIKE I'M AZULA!!! YOU DON'T KNOW ME LIKE YOU THINK YOU DO!" I shout at him. Zuko growls.

"So what do I not know about you?" Zuko asks angrily.

"My mother is a witch! I'm not calling her names. She can do magic. Which is why she's survived for 100 years without aging. I didn't tell anyone. Or bother to think about it. Knowing that she would be killed. Your mother knew. She knew and yet she didn't treat us any different. My mother, of course, knew my destiny. As did Ursa. I learned to make undetectable poison from your mother. And I've learned many other things from her." I snap at Zuko.

"How do you know that your mom and my mom knew?" Zuko asks.

"My mom would send Ursa messages at night when I was asleep. Ursa would read them and then put them in a box. She'd hide it in Uncle's room so Ozai couldn't find it. Uncle found them months before you were banished. He gave them to me after I returned with you from Roku's temple. Ursa didn't want me to have them until I accidentally stumbled upon Bending the other elements." I reply. Zuko's eyes soften.

"Zuko, think about it. Not what people want for YOU. But what you want for YOURSELF." I say gently. Zuko let's out a cry and throws his swords and mask on the floor. I feel the cuffs on Appa's legs before digging the tips of my fingers into one. My eyes widen.

"Z-Zuko! I just Metal Bended!" I exclaim.

"Isn't that extremely rare?" Zuko asks.

"It's never been done before in fact. Oohhh how I want to play with metal with Rin and Toph." I sigh and finish releasing Appa. Appa then licks me before flying away. Zuko sheaths his swords and picks up his mask. I follow Zuko out of the weird under water fortress.

"Leave it behind." I say softly. He sighs and tosses the mask into the water.

"We should get back to the apartment." I say. Zuko nods and guides me back to the city. We reach the apartment and Uncle is making breakfast while Rin finishes packing.

"Where have you been?" Uncle asks.

"Zuko set Appa free." I reply.

"Really? Zuko, I'm very proud of you." Uncle says. Zuko slumps and walks towards our room.

"I...don't feel very good." Zuko says before passing out.

"Zuko!" I cry. I run forward and sit beside him. I push some hair out of his face. Please be okay Zuzu.

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