Chapter 54

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"Go on..." Azula says, intreagued by my request for help. I look at her.

"I'm pregnant again. Zuko knows. But there's something wrong. The baby...I think the baby's hurt." I tell her. She rolls her eyes.

"Why did you come to me for this?" Azula asks. I close my eyes.

"Because I can't tell anyone else unless I'm sure. I know for a fact that you can tell if my baby is okay. Ty Lee did teach you how to feel for weakness in the human body." I point out. Azula sighs.

"Very well. Take one of my arms out of this straitjacket and I will check. No tricks. I promise." Azula says hesitantly after thinking about her options. I release her left arm and watch her intently as she places a hand on my stomach.

"The baby is fine. It's just smaller than most." Azula says before removing her hand. I give her a grateful smile before securing her back into her straitjacket.

"There' other matter I wanted to talk to you about." I say. She nods, wanting me to hurry up.

"My mother, do you think she'd know where Ursa is? I'm going to see my mother today with Zuko. Should I ask her about Ursa?" I ask. Azula thinks for a second.

"Yes, she'll know. But don't ask while you see her with dear old Zuzu. You'll only stress him out." Azula taunts. I glare at her, but I know she's right. I have to talk to her about it alone. Maybe with Mai and Ty Lee. But Zuko can't be there.

"Thanks." I say before leaving. My heart races as I realize that I could reunite Zuko with his mother. I hurry back into the palace.

"Ivy!" I hear Zuko call. I face palm. Right. I kinda forgot that Zuko was going to get Masumi and wait for me. I let out a nervous breath as I approach the hall where I heard his voice.

"There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you!" Zuko exclaims as he walks up to me with our daughter in his arms. He kisses my forehead and I smile.

"I'm sorry. I got a bit distracted." I lie. Zuko smiles and shakes his head at me.

"You always did have trouble focussing." Zuko teases. I stick my tongue out at him and accept Masumi as he moves to give her to me.

"Ready to see your mother?" Zuko asks, knowing I'm nervous to see her again after 3 years. I let out a shaky breath but nod, knowing I'll never be ready. I just have to go and get it over with.

"With you supporting me, I don't need to be ready." I reply. Zuko wraps an arm around me and kisses the side of my head. I smile up at him softly. He smiles back before guiding me to the front of the palace and into the royal palanquin. It takes us to my old house. Letting out a nervous breath, I climb out and thank the men carrying the palanquin.

"Are you sure you're ready?" Zuko asks me, worried I might be too scared to see my mother. I nod.

"Yes, I'm sure." I reply. He sighs and wraps an arm around me as he guides me up to the door. He knocks and looks a bit nervous himself. But he tries to hide it for my sake. The door opens and my mother appears before us.

"Ivy!" My mother says happily. I give Masumi to Zuko before enveloping my mother in a tight hug.

"Hello Mother." I mumble into her shoulder. She rubs my back gently before pulling away.

"Please come in. We have a lot to talk about it seems." Mother says, noticing Zuko holding Masumi. We follow her into the house and she leads us to the sitting room.

"I had to leave before any of your speeches. You see, I had bread in the oven and didn't want it to burn." Mother laughs lightly as she sits on a chair, gesturing to the loveseat across from her. Zuko and I laugh as we sit down.

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