Chapter 6

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Good news everyone! I found my DVD collection! So now I can update more often and know where this story is going! Enjoy this chapter! - BeatriceIsDauntless

I yawn as I sit up. My blanket is tucked around me. I don't remember having my blanket on me when I fell asleep. I sigh and stand up. I get changed into a kimono that Zuko gave me for my birthday. It's a dark red with gold designs on it. The collar and ends of my sleeves have gold ribbon on them. And I have a golden sash around my waist. The rest of the kimono has beautiful golden tree branches with a few leafs here and there. The kimono is made of a smooth silk while the sash is made of satin. I slip on a pair of matching red flats before tying my hair up in a bun. I sigh and look at my reflection. I touch the pendant on my engagement necklace with two fingers.

"Please don't be mad." I whisper. I turn and leave my room. I head out to the deck and find Zuko drinking tea with Uncle. That is possibly the most shocking sight I've ever seen.

"Good morning, Ivy." Uncle greets me with a large smile. Zuko perks up and turns to me.

"You look very pretty." Uncle compliments as he pours me a cup of tea.

"Good morning. And thank you, Uncle Iroh." I reply with a kind smile. Zuko stands up and takes my hands.

"I'm sorry about how I acted towards you yesterday." Zuko apologizes. I smile at him.

"It's okay. I think everyone was just a bit overwhelmed." I reply. He smiles slightly and kisses my cheek. We sit down across from Uncle Iroh, whom hands me my tea.

"Thank you." I say. Uncle nods and smiles at me.

"We're heading to shore in a bit. We need to get more supplies. Make sure you wear your uniform. Just incase." Zuko tells me. I nod.

"I heard there are springs where we're going. Would you like to join me Ivy?" Uncle Iroh asks. Zuko raises his eyebrow and looks at Uncle curiously.

"Actually. I think I'll wander through the town with Zuko." I reply. Uncle nods.

"That's a good idea. Maybe you'll find something you like in one of the shops." Uncle replies. I smile. I look up from the table and see land.

"Yay! Ground!" I exclaim. Zuko chuckles.

"I'm gonna go get changed." Zuko says as he stands up and goes to his room.

"I should too." I say and hurry to my room. So much for wearing my special kimono. I pull on my Fire Nation uniform and fix my hair into a ponytail. I leave my room and walk out to the deck to see Zuko, Uncle, and the crew getting ready to go on land. We're at the docks. Zuko is on some sort of animal that I never seem to remember the name of. He turns to me and holds a hand out to me.

"Come on." He says. I smile and take his hand. He helps me onto the animal. I sit behind Zuko and wrap my arms around his waist.

"The crew is going into the town to get food and such. Do you want to go with them or go through the forest for a while?" Zuko asks.

"Whatever you want to do is fine with me, Zuzu." I reply. He rolls his eyes at the nickname and he makes the animal we're riding go towards the forest. Uncle went in there moments before us.

"We'll have to get Uncle Iroh once we have to leave." I say. Zuko nods. We come to a little meadow full of flowers and a creak running through it. Zuko and I get off the animal and walk over to the meadow. Zuko picks a water lily from next the creak. He turns to me and pushes my hair behind my ears before carefully putting the flower in my hair just above my left ear. He takes my waist and starts to lean in. I place my hands on his chest and go to meet him half way. But the animal we rode here on, jumps in the creak, splashing a large amount of water onto Zuko. He's soaked. I put my hands over my mouth and giggle.

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