You and Me

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Heidi POV

Me and Mal smiled at each other and we looked at the crowd and two guards came and escort me and Mal down the stairs as the crowd started clapping for us and Evie runs slowly over to us to meet us at the bottom of the stairs and we met up with Evie.

"So, I did not know we could do that." Mal said, exhaling a deep breath.

"Tell me about it. That makes three of us." Evie said to us, as she blow a ember from Mal's dress.

"Oh thank you." Mal said, to Evie.

Evie walks between us and held out her hand and smiles.

"Shall we?" Evie said to us.

"We shall." Me and Mal said at the time.

We walk to where the others were at and I walk up to Carlos and smiled.

"Hi." I said to him.

"Hey." Carlos smiled.

We look at Mal and Ben and they were smiling and Ben pulled Mal into a kiss.

"All right, all right, all right, that's enough." Carlos chuckled, putting a hand on Ben's shoulder and Ben and Mal pull away from their loving kiss.

"I owe you guys so much." Ben said to us VKs.

"Yeah." Evie smiled

"Yeah." Jay nodded

"Yes, you do." I smiled

"Got that right." Carlos said

"If there is anything that you need, or anything that I could do for you-" Ben started but Evie cuts him off.

"Actually, there is Ben." Evie started and she looks at the Isle. "I know a girl who'd really love to come to Auradon." Evie said and she looks at Ben.

"Its Drizella's daughter, Dizzy." Evie looks at me and Mal and we nodded and she looks at Ben. "She's like a little sister to me."

"Then she should come." Ben said, without hesitation.

"Okay. Okay great." Evie chuckled.

"Actually," I started and everyone looks at me. "Ben there is a lot of kids who would really love it here in Auradon. Kids just like us who also deserve a second chance." I said and I look at Evie and she nods. "Can we maybe get you a list?"

"Yes." Ben accepted. "Yes, absolutely. Please do that."

Everyone started cheering at the choice and soon we might get new VKs in Auradon. I look at Harry and he was still a sad look on his face. I look at Ben and I responded.

"Um, Ben?" I said getting his attention. "Can Harry Hook stay in Auradon?"

Soon when I said that, Harry looks at me by surprise and he responded.

"You want me to stay in Auradon?" Harry said, walking up to me.

"Well, yeah." I smiled. "I want you to stay here in Auradon. I like you and I want us to get to know each other more than we were on the Isle."

Harry smiled and he sigh and Ben responded.

"Well, Harry Hook, would you like to attend here at Auradon Prep." Ben asked Harry.

Harry looks around and I look at him with all the hope in my eyes hoping he will say yes. Harry looks at me and smiles and looks back at Ben.

"Yes. I would like that." Harry smiled

We all cheered of the joy and happiness and Harry walks to the dark corner and pulls out my spellbook and his hook. Harry looks at me and holds up my spellbook and walks up to me.

Harry Hook x Reader x Carlos De VilWhere stories live. Discover now