The Date and to the Isle of the Lost

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*at Auradon*

Heidi POV

I was with Carlos on our date at a picnic, somewhere near the enchanted lake. There was a beautiful crystal blue pond, beautiful flowers and trees, and small mammals and a bridge.

"Would like a chocolate covered strawberry?" I smiled at him.

"Why, yes please." Carlos smiled and I fed him the strawberry.

"Hmm, Mal is not wrong about these. These are so delicious." Carlos smiled

"So, do you like it?" I asked him

"Like it? I love it!" Carlos said, reaching across, eating more of the chocolate covered strawberries.

"Carlos!" I whinned playfully. "Save some for me."

"Sorry, babe. Its just that, its so delicious. I'm so surprise you made all this, in just two days." Carlos said

"You know what, don't even ask me, I worked so hard." I said

I didn't actually made all this. The spellbook that Mal gave me, I used it to do the food. If it wasn't for Mal, well, I guess I would have still used her spellbook then but I understand since me and Mal are having trouble with fitting in

"Indeed you did." Carlos smiled.

I smiled back and blushed.

"You know, Heidi, I'm so happy you did all this stuff for me. I never been this much happy in my life." He said and I started sinking into his words. "I love you."

I didn't know what to say. I do like Carlos but love, I'm not sure.

Carlos put a strand of my hair behind my ear and smiled.

"Maybe, we should spend some more time together." He said

"Okay. I would like that." I chuckled a bit.

I reach across and wiped some chocolate off the bottom of his lips and lick it and smiled and he smiled back.

"You can't get enough of me can you?" Carlos laughed and I laugh back.

"Do you have a napkin or something?" Carlos said

"Yes, I do I think I have some." I said going through my bag.

Carlos was going through the picnic bag.

"I can grab them." I said but he pulled out my spellbook.

"What is this?" Carlos said examining my spellbook. He looks at me and looks at back at the book.

"I...I actually put the book in there the last minute. Only in case it rains or-"

"Speed reading spell." Carlos said reading the titles of the spells. "Red hair spell."

I actually have red tips of my hair. I do have blue tips I just put the red over it using the spell Mal gave me. All I wanted to do was try to fit in.

Carlos looks at me, disappointed.

"Cooking spell." Carlos said. I sigh and I rubbed my neck.

Carlos closes the book and raised his voice a bit.

"And Ben has been giving you props for you fitting in so well, for doing your best." Carlos said

I have no choice but to chant the spell to forget these minutes.

Harry Hook x Reader x Carlos De VilWhere stories live. Discover now