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That Name Doesn't Exist  -  xxIWontBlackOutxx

JUDGE: UnicornThatLovesBTS
I believe that it needs to be more verbose, it also needs more twists. But I really loved the suspense, it makes the readers read more and more.

Mind Games  -  danielarsh  

JUDGE: UnicornThatLovesBTS
I liked it but it was a bit cliche. I suggest to add a twist like the murdered friend comes to life. But I did really love the other criteria.

JUDGE: sweetly_sadistic_
I would recommend for the author to put a better cover. The description to the book should be more detailed, since every chapter is a specific time and date I understand why it is all in 1 para but it would be better if she split it. Lastly, there are tonnes of descriptions but it all seems rushed, two incidents don't connect properly.

Casey Opacus and the Cursed Ancestry - J-Copeland

JUDGE: UnicornThatLovesBTS
I believe that it was too descriptive like I already had the image in my head but the book was still describing. I liked that the vocabulary was good, also the plot was good.

JUDGE: sweetly_sadistic_
The description is great, great plot and the new terms and everything used by the author is good. I think I'm not able to pinpoint any changes.

Poison - miladysachi

JUDGE: UnicornThatLovesBTS
The start already gets me hooked. I love the events. Especially the suspense. The descriptiveness was enough and perfect.

JUDGE: sweetly_sadistic_
The description is not really informative and does not gauge your attention. Too much cussing. Vague, no background supplied, author seems to be jumping from one situation to another. Everything is happening from out of the blue and no connection seems to be there between two incidents.

Curse Of The Kind - Truewritersheart 

JUDGE: sweetly_sadistic_
I know I have given this book an almost perfect score but I really think the author deserves it. Amazing prologue, though at first I didn't really understand why the first set of characters were involved, maintains suspense and I really did like the book

JUDGE: UnicornThatLovesBTS
It was descriptive which I really loved. Also, the events were intriguing and fun, it was so fun that it wanted me to read more.

4 Killers in Suburbia  -  BladeratopsT  

JUDGE: sweetly_sadistic_
author needs to give more descriptions, specify why the characters are even there and explain how they came together. Also the author keeps jumping from one incident to another and you don't get a chance to comprehend the incidents and it gets jumbled up

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