27; common neusence

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I got out and looked at the house. I walked to the door and knocked.

The door was opened to reveal my favorite vampire.

"Blake." He said smiling.

"Hi blue eyes." I said.

"What are you doing here Blake?" He asked.

"In need of a friend and you happen to be at the top of that list right now. Can I come in?" I said.

He stepped aside and opened the door.

I stepped in and looked around.

"You seem to be alone." I said in a questioning tone.

"Managed to piss off just about everyone." He said shutting the door and walking to the bar.

"Just about..?" I repeated confused.

"I'm sure he means me. Hi by the way." Bonnie said walking in the room.

"Damon we have a problem." She said looking at him with a serious look on her face.

"I can help. I have no where else to be. What's up?" I said.

He smirked. "Kai Parker. Witch sort of. You two are alike in that way. Only difference is he's a lunatic who won't leave us alone." She said.

"Shouldn't be to that hard." I said raising an eyebrow.

Damon chuckled.

"Yeah. I said that too." He said.

"What's up with the lack of heads around here. Aren't we missing an ocd blonde and a pouting Salvatore.?" I asked.

They both looked at me.

"Caroline's mom just passed. We're trying to give her space. And Stefan just up and left without so much as a goodbye." She said.

"Where exactly do we find this Kai fellow at then." I said smirking.

"Right behind you." Someone said.

I turned around and he shoved a stick in my heart.

I laughed. "Hah that actually ticked a little bit." I said before grabbing him by the throat and throwing him into the brick wall head first.

He stumbled onto his feet and I sped to him.

I placed my finger in the middle of his forehead. "Sleep." I said before pushing him back to the ground.

His body fell still and I turned around and smiled.

"Team Bonnie 1. Team Kai 0" I said smirking at Bonnie.

They started talking and I drifted to the other room.

I looked at the pictures on the wall of them together and of Stefan and Damon in the past years.

"Seems to me your the pouting one." Stefan said walking in.

"Stefan?" I asked.

"I don't want them to know I'm here. I'm working on a lead of my own. But Kai isn't the only problem we have." He said. I nodded and continued my walk through the halls.

"Somethings bothering you." He said.

"Look Stefan nothing against you. But we're not friends. Bringing you back to life wasn't a friendship bracelet it was a peace treaty." I said before exiting the halls leading me right into Damon.

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