13; Unwelcomed Guest

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She glared at me. "I best get going if I want to kill Lilly." She said.

I chuckled and stepped in front of her.

"Yeah that's not gonna happen." I said smirking. Her eyes and teeth changed.

"Get out of my way Blake I do not wish to kill you." She said. I laughed. "Try all you like but I cannot be killed mother. I'm an original and at least a thousand times stronger than you could ever be so watch your threats." I said. She grabbed the tall lamp and broke the pole off of it.

"Oh honey. Your gonna need a lot more than a lamp to keep you safe." I said before grabbing her by the throat and chanting.

Her eyes turned all white before she desiccated.

"Why have you done." A voice said from behind me.

"Of course your alive too. Typical." I said before waving my hand causing him to fall to the floor.

"You're not as rational as I remember." He said.

I laughed. "Please I have rationality, it's mercy,compassion,and forgiveness I lack." I said pouring a drink.

"Fine. Then put me out of my misery. Or let me go." I laughed at that too.

"Letting you go won't be an option father. The two of you practically ruined my life you don't deserve a life. But killing you would make it easy for you to have peace. So I'm going to make your last moments a living hell." I said before picking him up by the throat and throwing him through the drywall.

I laughed as he scrambled to get up. "You claim you can beat me? Fine we both know you'll loose but atleast you won't go without a fight." I said smirking.

He sped to me and punched me in the mouth before kicking me in the stomach.

"Motus!" An angry voice said causing him to fly across the room.

"And I thought you were gone." I said looking at her.

"Yeah the day I leave you will be the day that you die and stay dead." She said walking towards me and handing me a handkerchief.

I wiped my mouth and smirked.

"What changed lill! You were so dead set on living your happy life with your mystery man." I said smirking.

She laughed sarcastically. "Hahah very funny!" She said before waving her hand causing father to slide across the floor in front of her.

I nodded. "Classic. Why are you here?" I asked her.

"Your temper got your husband in trouble I just watched him get drug off by a group of men that seem to be werewolves. So you can see why I didn't try to stop them" She said.

I raised an eyebrow. "You mean to tell me you did nothing." I exclaimed.

"Actually I did a little more than nothing. I tracked him long enough to know exactly where he is at this moment." She said before dropping her foot causing fathers head to roll infront of my feet.

"Good cause your going to send me back. But first." I said before speeding upstairs.

I yanked open the closet doors and pulled out a pair of black skinnies, a white t-shirt, my black leather jacket, and black combat boots.

I got dressed a kicked the bed out of the way.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Lilly said coming in the room.

I looked at her and smiled. "One I'm making progress. Two I'm getting prepped!" I said before opening the safe in the floor.

"God I hate this shit. Hurts like a bitch! But god is fun when you use it on someone else." I said pulling the gun out.

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