Chapter 13

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My breath got caught in my throat. As the air escaped from my lungs, if felt like someone just punched a fist in my gut. I couldn’t stop the glistening starlight tears that were threatening form and  spill over my flushed cheeks. “What?” I dumbly asked. Serge chuckled and pulled me back into his arms. “I said that I love you beautiful” He whispered as he wiped away a strand of hair that covered my eyes. He cradled my face into his hands as he wiped away the  tears that spilled over my cheeks with his thumbs. “I-I don’t understand any of this.” I clasped my forehead in exasperation. I tried to sidestep away from him but he blocked me from going anywhere. “You’re not going to run away from me, Logan.” He whispered.

“Run away? Don’t you think that you of all people will know that that is what I want most right now!” I shouted.  I could feel my calm and cool façade slowly breaking apart on itself, as I began to lash out on Serge. I slapped my fists against his chest, and he just stood there and took it all, I had to avoid the sting of pain that his broad chest brought onto my fingertips. While I was breaking apart on the inside. How dare he? How can he just stand there and say that I don’t have the right to leave, when I have every right to leave. He took me from my home! “You took me from my home!” I screamed at him in desperation. “A home in which you were suffering from, you weren’t happy there.”  I felt my breathing hitch, as my heart started pounding vigorously against my rib cage.  

 “You took me and drugged me to get me to go with you when I didn’t want to!” Serge only shook his head in denial, as he took a hold of my wrists and kept in place. “It was the only way for you to come with me, you would have refused me if things were different.” I scoffed, and tsked as my tears soon came to rushing down profusely.  “You stole my freedom, you took my life away from me, how do you expect me to love you when you treat me this way?” I whispered.

He sighed, and rubbed his forehead with his forearm.  “I don’t expect you to, but I can sure hope that you would give this a chance.”

I brought my hands up in exasperation, and stepped away from him.

I placed my hands on my hips, and began to count the many times that I have already gone through this with him. He was repeating the same thing over and over again to the point of an endless oblivion that I just wanted to escape from. He was avoiding the topic. He didn't want  me something to know something that I was so desperate on finding out what that is, but he just won't come out and tell me. I swiveled my body around so fast, that I almost got a whiplash, but I forced myself to keep still.  I wanted answers and he wasn’t going to leave the room unless I had those answers.

“I want answers. And I want them now. What is it that you aren’t telling me? If you want whatever it is between us to work, by God so help me S-.” He cut me off by laughing. He was laughing at me! How dare he!? He was behaving more like Nikolas every day and the more he laughed the more impatient I got. I just about had it with his world full of secrets, why was he so reluctant on telling me anything? He keeps putting this of.

Does he think that i’m not tough enough to handle being in his own world or something? Is that it? “Do you think I can’t handle the truth!” I shouted at him, causing his laughing to fall short.  He shook his head roughly, “no, no that’s not what I’m thinking at all. Quite the opposite in fact, i’m afraid that you can handle the truth.” I only looked at him like he grew two heads. Was he being serious right now?  “I can’t handle this right now.” I told him, I didn’t want to be near him, I turned around and took a couple of steps away from him, but he just boldly latched onto my arm and swiftly brought me back around.

“Look, if you really want to know what’s going on that bad then fine i’ll tell you. But you’re going to have to swear to me that you’ll stay put the entire time, and won’t say anything until i’m done talking. I’m warning you right now that you’re much better off reading the book that Nikolas picked up.”  He managed, I only breathed out a sigh of relief and nodded my head in agreement at his proposal. He shrugged his shoulders and arched an eyebrow at me. “Alright, but remember this, you asked for it, what do you want to know first.” Serge turned and walked away from me, only to plump his body down on my bed.

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