Chapter 19: A brother or an enemy?

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I watched as that pathetic Andrew left the parking lot in his car while I smiled. I got in my car and turned the ignition on. My plan was beginning to turn out a success. I was finally going to get what was previously mine. But first, I had to fulfill the next step of my plan. Which was to get rid of that idiot Andrew.

I thought to myself as I left the school parking lot. I got onto the road and headed to the shop. The shop was in the middle of town. It was a small armory shop that was, mostly, empty with costumers. I was always there most recent and loyal buyer since I always had something on my mind and they never ask or judge my motives.

I got to the shop and parked right in front. I went to the back aisle, there I found the back door that leaded to the storage. I knocked on the door twice and a mans voice came from the other side.

Man: Who?

Jordan: Satan is here to pick up his devils work.

I heard the man remove the locks on the door and open it for me.

Man: Jordan. Long time no talk.

Jordan: Ive been busy, Clyde. Ive been busy.

I said with a sarcastic smile as he chuckled. He closed the door behind me as I walked up to the fire arms.

Clyde: What do you need me to do, boss?

Jordan: Get me my clothes.

Clyde knew what I was talking about and turned to look for my clothes. The backroom was bigger than the store itself. I was usually the only one allowed inside. I looked at the fire arms and didnt find anything that grabbed my attention. I wanted it to look like and accident but at the same time wanted it to be brutal and fatal. I wanted to make him suffer for taking away my Emerald.

You might be wondering what made me so heartless. Well its simple. Im not someone who has had a nice childhood or life. I could never truly express how I felt since I didnt feel anything. At the age of eight my I heard my father and Mother arguing and screaming at each other.

how could you cheat on me, Rosan?!?

That was eight years ago, Lucas!!

So, Im not he father, am i?!

I was a bastard child. My father would remind me that every day after that argument. One day, I came home early from school. Mother wasnt home, so I looked for Lucas.


I opened their bedroom door to find that my father- no. That Lucas had shot himself in the head. He had left a suicide note on the bed. There was so much blood and his eyes were staring directly into me. I knew that I would never forget that moment. Not then not today.

After that, Mother became an alcoholic and was barely even home. I learned from Lucass mistakes and my memories of him. I began to act like him and I mimicked him by watching our old family videos. For a man who wasnt my father, I had learned to recreate his smile. But one question remained, who was my real father?

I looked up my symptoms and read every book I could find on physiological diseases. I managed to find my diseases and saw that it could only be inherited. You could say that I wasn't like most kids. Then again, most kids don't have my illness and are bastard children. Ever since I learned that one specific trait, I knew it was enough to find my real father.

I escaped my train of thought and realized that Clyde was standing right behind me as I grabbed an mm12 pistol.

Clyde: What do you need these for?

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