Chapter 15: Our Past P.2

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I had asked Andy about the girl and he told me that she was his friends best friend. Apparently, at The party that we went to, Andy found her about to be rapped by some university guy named Jordan. Andy made some research and found out that he had the same medical condition as him. Andrew might not be able to feel and he might not always use common sense but when it comes to finding someone or finding something, like a past, about that person then he's you're guy.

Peter: Really? Is that even possible?

Andrew: Apparently so. He also went into Juvenile arrest for holding hostage his ex in his basement for 3 years. He would cut her and tend to her wounds so she wouldn't die. He would also sometimes starve and rape her in multiple occasions and when she did receive food it'd be drugged. The parents of the girl were going to press charges and send him to county jail but they couldn't since he was not of age.

Peter: But still! the guy rapped her, tortured her, and held her hostage for 3 fucking years man! god.

Andrew: Holy need to see this.

It was usually very rare if Andrew began to swear. You know that when he did, shit would get real. By this time My auntie moved with her husband and Andy into a regular house which was actually a few blocks away from my house. So, Andy's computar room was his basement. Which was also his mane cave, tool shed, and study room/office. He usually kept the room dark when it came to working with the computar. I stepped behind Andy and read the police article about this Jordan dude.

Andrew: 'The Victim, Nicole Fleming, Was found brutally Beaten and starved after 3 years of being considered missing and dead. The victim had scars and cut marks all over her body along with bruises. The chief of police in the investigation said QUOTE: The scene was horrific. the girl was on the ground with blood all over the walls and ground which was later found to be hers. END QUOTE. The victim was found on the ground crying and traumatized. A few minutes after the ambulance had picked her up, The victim was reported dead by blood loss on the way to the hospital. The Fleming family officially pressed charges on the alleged murder and rapist, Jordan Martinez, on February 5th 2013. A full month of three weeks after the reported crisis of the girl on January 16th 2013. The 16 year old was taken into custody until further notice. The Fleming family lost the case and Jordan Martinez was set into Juvenile Correction Services For five years. The boy was released early because of unnatural and off behavior. His patrol officer said QUOTE: Something is off about that kid. During his entire sentence he kept smiling. It don't matter what he was doing he was smiling. But at night the weirdest stuff would happen. He would start chuckling quietly as he sat in the middle of the room while facing the wall. If anyone got closer he would begin to laugh louder and freakishly. He would then start screaming "MY PILLS, I NEED MY PILLS. WHERE ARE MY PILLS?" END QUOTE. Be with caution when near Jordan Martinez.

Andy finished reading the report closed his laptop and turned on the lights. We stared at each other in complete disbelief.

Andrew: We need to warn the girls.

Peter: no. it'll scare them and it will worsen the situation.

Andrew: w-w-what?!?!

Andy usually began to stutter when he got nervous but we need to help the girls.

Peter: We need to be calm and cool. Especially since this guy knows what school we go to.

Andrew: Oh...g-g-g-good plan Peter.

little did I know That it didn't matter if we acted cool or not, This Jordan guy was coming into our lives. Weather we liked it or not.

The day of the big fight came. Chris has been talking about beating some nerds ass at school in front of everyone. He didn't tell me who the nerd was though.


I feel terrible. I should have helped Andy. If only I known it was him... if only. I texted Emerald and we've been talking for a few minute now. I've tried contacting Andy but he hasn't called or texted back. It was pretty weird even for him. I was in my living room watching the news while texting her when it came up...

Newswomen: Breaking news! There has been a car accident on the main road of...

Everything went mute after they showed live footage of the accident. I realized it was Andrew's car that had a collision with a black motorcycle. I immediately went cold as I saw the car completely destroyed along with the motorcycle. I then texted Emerald.

Peter: Oh god...Are you watching the news?

Emerald: no. why?


I then called her since she wouldn't answer my texts.

Peter: are you watching this?

I waited for her reaction.

Emerald: me at the hospital.NOW

She hung up on me. I immediately grabbed my car key's and got in my car and drove to the hospital.


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