Chapter 3: Long time

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**Chris is the one above**

It's been about two week since the whole Chris/Peter incident. We haven't really explained what had happened. By 'we' I mean Me and Zoy. But what really is there to explain?!?! Zoy fell on top of the guy she has goo-goo eyes for while i fell on top of my asshole of an excuse of a boyfriend. 



DECEMBER 11, 2012

Zoy: there he is!

Zoy whispered very excitedly in my ear as I closed my locker. We were in the hallway of the school emptying our lockers for winter brake.  I looked out of my locker to see that Chris was coming directly my way. It was 4:30, so the school was basically empty. Zoy giggled at me and left while closing her now empty locker. I took a deep breath and closed my locker. Once i turned around I saw Chris standing right behind me. 

Chris: Hey.

Emerald: Hey.

We looked at each other for a second. His brown eyes twinkled with the suns rays. ( The school was like a giant balcony, so the sunset was shinning through) He had a straight face on but then again he always had a straight face on. 

Chris: I needed to talk to you.

Emerald: about what?

Chris: Well...I wanted to ask you something..but..-

Emerald: But?

he looked at the ground and took a deep  breath. Once he exhaled he looked up and stared into me once more.

Chris: I like you. LIKE like you.


Emerald: r-really?

Chris: Yea. 


I was in a state of shock just staring at him and contemplating what to do next. Finally, I was able to look him in the eyes and tell him how i fell.

Chris: do you..feel the same?

Emerald: Yea...I do.

I smiled at him and he smiled back. He softly placed his hand on my left cheek as he smiled. He then Bit his lip which made me blush hardcore. His hand still on my cheek, he slowly leaned in. I leaned forward to him while placing both of my hands on his chest. Once our faces were only inches apart we stopped. I could feel his warm breaths on my skin.

Chris: I love you.

Emerald: I love you two.

we leaned in and we kissed..

I now know that he doesn't seem to know the definition of "love" o his version of love is diferente from regular love.



SEPTEMBER 19, 2013

I went inside my respective classroom only to see all the jocks,including Chris, in the back of the classroom laughing their asses off with some cheerleaders. Specifically the really hot and cute ones. The head cheerleader was sitting on Chris's lap with her arms around him and his arm around her waist. One of them pointed at me and bumped Chris's shoulder. Chris saw me and smiled but not his  regular smile. It was more like a seductive grin. He then took out his phone and began texting. A minute later i received a message from Chris.

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