Chapter 12: Part of You're story too

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I woke up in the same dark room as always. I noticed that the lights were off and the only source of lighting was the one coming from the window. I got up from my moss invested mattress and tried to turn on the lights. The lights wouldn't go on. I assumed that dad didn't pay the electricity bills.
I managed to get ready with the minimal light that I had. On my way down I heard Dad yelling at the phone. Once I got down he hung up the phone and turned to look at me.

Dad: where the fuck are you going to, missy?

He still looked the same. Fit man with an alcoholic belly. Always wearing his caps and t shirts.

Zoy: School, father.

Dad: well, you better come early. Your grandma is coming to visit us.

Zoy: yea. Ok.

Dad: don't give me that attitude. Or else ima beat yo ass, Got it brat?

Zoy: yes dad.

Dad: good.

He left the room and I quickly looked for the duffel bag that I hid in the room. I was currently in the living room looking everywhere. From the corners of the room, to the coat closet in the corner. I finally found it under the cushions in a hole that was in the couch. I grabbed it and took the keys out of my jacket. I put my black and white helmet on and got on Motorcycle.
Sorry dad. But you're littel brat isn't coming home early today.
I thought to myself as I rode off.


I woke up to the sound of laughter coming from downstairs. I was sleeping in the guest bedroom, for oblivious reasons, which was located next to the beginning of the staircase. I got out of bed and got dressed as quickly as possible. I fixed my hair with a littel floof and went downstairs to see all of the commotion about. Once I got downstairs I saw that Zoy was sitting in the middle of one of the white couches that mom bought. Mom was sitting across from her as she laughed while Zoy smiled. My dad was standing up,next to my mom, and was laughing very subtly while smiling.

Gabriel: what's...going on here?

Mom: oh! Gabe! We were just talking to you're special friend, Zoy!

I immediately remembered that today was the big day. Me and Zoy have been planing on running away together ever since 9th grade. Today was te big day, I guess. We agreed that the day we were leaving she would come to my house and officially introduce herself as my "special friend". I don't know why but she just wanted to do it.

Dad: son! I didn't know you went straight again! Thank god! I always hated you being gay

Goddammit. My parents never accept me for who I was. And know I confirmed that they are legit assholes by assuming that I went straight. I tried to keep a calm yet charming face as the attention in the room turned to me.

Gabriel: y-yep! Me and Zoy...

Mom: I always knew you two would end up together! I mean, Gabe has told me So,so, SO much about you, Zoy!

Dad: what's your full name again?

Zoy's face immediately went from happy and excited to depressed yet furious. Her eyes went straight to my father. Zoy doesn't like being called, or people knowing, her full name. She won't tell me why but apparently it has to do with her family. Pretty fucked up that she doesn't even like her full name because of them.

Zoy: oh! U-umm...ha.haha..hahah!

She nervously chuckled as she gave me a quick glance.

Zoy: Zoy is Fine.

She said while giving both of my parents a reassuring smile. A cold sweat went down my forehead as I watched the conversation take place.

Gabriel: well.. better go get my backpack so we can school...which we have

I said while quickly going near the giant staircase.

Dad in the living room: so, what made You fall in love with my son?

Shiiit... Everything is seeming very suspicious but my parents are too glad that I'm not gay to even realize that it's already 8:39. Good thing we're not actually going to school.
I grabbed the bag that I hid in the guest room an headed out.

Zoy: it was nice talking to you Mr and Ms Ronda's!!!

Zoy said to my parents as she headed out of the door with me behind her. Both of them followed me out.

Dad: holy shit.

Mom: Ivan!

Dad: What, Cristal? I can't contain myself at the fact that our once gay son got himself a hot badass girlfriend who owns that!

He said pointing at the motorcycle that Zoy was getting on. She placed her helmet and turned on the engine. She then singled me to get on.

Dad: son. For once in my life, I'm proud of you.

Mom: she's quite the character, Gabe! You better take good care of her!

I nervously chuckled.

Gabriel: y-yep!!! Better go! By guys!!

I quickly got on the bike. She reeved the engine as I placed the helmet on that said: "drivers in charge" on the side. I wrapped my arms around Zoy's waist as I held all of the bags in my lap.

Zoy: *muffeld* get closer!

She said practically screaming

Gabriel: ok!!

I did as she asked and the bags where somewhat secured. My dad looked at us shocked as my mom just smiled and waved. Zoy reeved one more time before screeching the motorcycle's on the drive way. The bike rosed on the front and I gave out a small scream. Zoy chuckled.

Zoy: pussy.

She then rode us both off towards the direction of the school. Once we were far away enough from my house and hers but not to close to the school she made a left turn and went through a completely different route that I've never seen in my life.
We were planning on coming back after two months. But I never wanted to go back. Not if I was with my best friend which was her. We went through a forest with a dirt path. It was still morning so the trees and grass were still with morning dew. The sun was still not hot and steaming but it was warm. Suddenly I heard a beep in my helmet. A song began to play.
(Zoy and Andrew modified these helmets to have a built in Bluetooth system to listen to music)
The song was Rly Real by blackbear. As the song began to  get more intense Zoy Sped up even more.
This. This felt like freedom. This. Felt amazing.
I thought to myself as I watched the leaves fall from the trees


It's already first period and already people are talking about what happened in the parking. Currently it is 9 am and I am really nervous for it to be 4 pm. But I was even more nervous to the fact of Emerald finding out about the fight...but I don't plan on telling her.


Author's note:

Hey guys! I've been really excited for this chapter especially because it gives you a hint into the lives of Zoy and Gabriel!! Well enough talking and more asking!
**Why do you think that Andrew doesn't want Emerald to find out about the fight?

Thank you for the support and for reading!!

Stay wild

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