Chapter 14: Empty Love

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I followed Andrew as he ran through the school halls. Since it was already 4 o'clock, The halls were pretty much empty. Still, i didn't think it'd be a good idea to start screaming out his name like a maniac.  He suddenly makes a sharp turn and starts running towards the school theater. He bursts open the doors and runs up back stage. I followed him. He began to climb the metal staircase that lead tp the audio and light room. I began to fall back but still continued to follow him. He then opened the door to the rooftop and went outside. I reached the door and slowly opened the door as quietly as possible. I saw Andrew looking down at the school from the edge of the rooftop. It was beautiful. The sun was setting and the colors in the sky melted together. There were so many colors...From bright red to dark blue to a light shade of purple. It was somewhat mesmerizing and amazing.

Andrew had his back at me. I assumed he didn't notice that I was there but he knew.

Andrew: I-Its Amazing, Isn't it?

Emerald: Yea...Do you come here frequently?

Andrew: Only when I need to. It helps me clear my head, Ya know?

Emerald: Mmh.

I began to walk near him but he stopped by turning around and staring at me. We were still about five to six feet apart. He looked at me seriously and then smiled. His smile seemed genuine and sweet. It was almost calming. I smiled back at him as I began to walk once more. Andrew then rose his hand and stopped me.

Andrew: Get away from me

He said in a serious tone while still Smiling. My smile faded and I looked at him confused.

Emerald: W-what?

Andrew: You heard me. Get.Away.From.Me

Emerald: Andrew...Where is this coming from? I thought you loved me!

I screamed to him as I began to furiously walk towards him. Confused and shocked, I pushed him while looking into his eyes. They were empty and cold. Almost as if he didn't even feel a sense of remorse.

Andrew: Well, You thought wrong. I never loved you...and I never will

He said as his eyes pierced through my soul with his stare. I felt tears begin to fill my eyes and fall onto my cheeks. For some reason this heartbreak was nothing compared to the rest. I felt truly broken and numb but somehow still feeling stun like a poisoned blade piercing through the heart. I looked into his eyes forcing him to look at the pain he inflicted on me.

Andrew: You are immature...

he said in a dark and serios tone as he began to approach me with petty and a smirk on his face.

Andrew: Ugly...An idiot...A hypocrite... in fact, you are just a basic bitch who thinks that the world revolves around you.

Tears began to flow out of my eyes. He was so close to me that I could feel his breaths against my skin. I looked up at him as he looked down at me.

Andrew: Guess what? the world doesn't revolve around you, Slut.

he turned to leave. I fell to the ground and began to cry. I felt used, manipulated, just plain destroyed. But before he could leave he opened the door and looked back at me.

Andrew: Oh. Don't ever talk to me again, or look for me, or just plain think about me. But never forget how Andrew Angst Broke you.

He turned around and left. Leaving me sobbing and hurt on the ground. I felt was all just a the rest of them. I then received a school news flash (yes we have school news and yes it is on an app) about the fight. I was shocked. I stopped crying and saw the report. There was a video too. In the video you could see Andrew, Chris and...Jordan. I swore that I would have revenge on those three. I will hurt them like they hurt me.

I looked at the sunset, with tears still leaving my eyes, and I just stared at it. Why did I think that he would be any different from the rest? Why was I expecting him to love me back? What was I hoping to get out of this relationship? Those were all thoughts the kept crossing my mind as the sunset slowly but surly faded into the night sky. I looked at my phone and saw that it was already 6. I had been there on the rooftop for about two full hours Apparently. I got up, took a deep breath and went home.

I had tried texting Zoy but she wouldn't answer. Neither would Gabriel. Weird...They always answer. I shrugged it off since it wasn't the first time those two wouldn't respond. They once got lost in the woods together for A week. Thank god Zoy found a motel nearby and that Gabriel had money because neither of their parents found them. I had to go look for them with Brandon.

I walked home alone that night. Thinking and contemplating what had happened today at school. It just doesn't add up! One minute he's all lovey-dovey with me and the next he's calling me a slut and a bitch! What happened in the time? Sure he had been avoiding me the entire day and sure he was acting differently after the first fight but he told me he was fine. That he just needed his medication. Which...Now that I think about it...he never said he was sick. Or that he was on pills. Only mentioned his medication once though.

I reached the front porch of my house. I looked back and saw Andrew's house. His car wasn't there and the lights were off so I naturally assumed that He wasn't home. Which was weird since he was always and I mean ALWAYS home. I ignored it since I had a pretty weird day and I didn't want to be reminded by it. I unlocked my front door and stepped inside. After a few hours and I was finally comfy, I received a message from an unknown number.

UNKNOWN: Hey. we need to talk

Emerald: Umm, do I know you?

UNKNOWN: Its me. Peter.

I felt a sensation of relief knowing it was Peter for some odd reason. I saved his number And continued to text him.

Emerald: Are you sure you have the right number?

Peter: Well, u r Emerald, right? Zoy's friend

Emerald: Yea...why are you texting me?

Peter: Something's off.

Emerald: What do you mean?

Peter: Its Andy. Somethings off about him.

Confusion struck me as I struggled to understand what was going on.

Peter: I thought you might have an idea on what's wrong with him

Emerald: I'm sorry but I don't know any "Andy's"

Peter: I mean Andrew. Something is wrong with him and we need to find out what it is.

Emerald: since when are YOU concerned about Andrew? And why are you calling him Andy?

He took a long time to respond but I eventually saw him type and I saw he sent me a message.

Peter: Oh god...Are you watching the news?

Emerald: no. Why?


I turned on my TV and switched it to the News channel. I then got a phone call by Peter. I then Answered.

Peter: Are you watching this?

I was then horrified and shocked by what I was seeing.

Emerald: me at the hospital. NOW.

I hung up the phone and ran Downstairs into my car. I then drove up to the hospital. Where the ambulance had just arrived along with Peter and me behind. What the hell just happened?



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