Chapter 11: My reasons

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**Andrew is on top, Jordan in the middle, and Chris on the bottom**



I arrived at school in my car. I kept thinking only in one thing the whole way here: why is she with me? Does she really love me or is it all apart of her plan for revenge? I mean, everyone thinks I'm a faggot, Im not the ideal "man" that she wants and...just look at me! I really want to impress Emerald so she knows that I'm not just some part of her plan...
I parked my car in my usual spot. As I began to get out of he car someone closed the door behind me . I stopped and looked around.

Chris: waddup fagot

Andrew: actually, the term "fagot", since its an insult to anyone who is part of the lgbt community, is actually irrelevant to my life and sexuality since I'm straight.

Chris stared at me wanting to see my fear and pain but I wasn't gonna let that happen.

Chris: does it look like I give a fuck?!

Chris pushed me back. I looked at him directly in his eyes and ignored him.

Chris: Hey dweeb!

I kept walking towards the entrance of the school, still ignoring that imbecile. Out of nowhere another car stopped in front of me. Causing me to stop walking and acknowledge it. Out of the car, came out a guy. Something was off about him. But I just didn't know what that THING was. The guy got out and looked at me.

Jordan: Andrew. Let's talk.

I recognized the man's voice to be the same man who tried to rape Emerald at Gabriel's party. That fucking bastard. It was only 7:30 and I already wanted to punch someone in the dick. Ever since I met Emerald I've become more...aggressive. But not very aggressive it's more like I've finally learned to defend myself. And I like it!! Its like she brings out this side of me that...I never knew existed. It feels amazing yet dangerous.  The guy closed the car door and stood in front of me as Chris stood behind me.

Jordan: we don't want trouble! Or do we?

He said in a calm attitude but angry voice. When he said "or do we?" his eyes grew deep, piercing through my soul with hate and anger. But something was off about him. Even though he was furious and wanted to hurt me...he smiled and kept a calm tone and attitude. I couldn't tell what was off about him.

Andrew: no. No we don't.

Jordan: good.

His green eyes widened as his devilish smile grew.

Chris: listen here faggot. Let's make a deal.

The school bell then rang. All the students that were once in the parking lot had left to go to their respective classrooms. I then looked directly into Chris's eyes and gave him a fake smile.

Andrew: I'm late for class.

I turned to leave but The man stopped me with his hand.

Jordan: class can wait.

I stopped and pushed his hand away.

Andrew: no it can't.

His smile immediately faded and his right eye twitched with anger. His hand then went to my chest and pushed me a bit back.

Jordan: I said.

His voiced raised, his tone no longer calm and his attitude was now alerted. I stopped and looked at him. He smiled and placed his hand down. He then returned to his original position and manner.

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