Stars-Yondu Udonta

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"We're surely gonna die this time."

"Well it's your fault you didn't run away when I told you to."

The once our ravager friends betrayed us and joined Taserface's side. Freaking idiot always doing this. They lead us inside the ship again and they wouldn't shut up about what they would do to us. "Hey scrotum face!" I shouted at the man who glared at me. Rocket began to laugh at the nickname I just gave to him.


"What kind of an idiot even says out loud what he's gonna do to us. Every villain says their plans first and end up dead afterwards." I smirk and Yondu kicked my leg and I kicked him back.

"You're seriously gonna get us killed quick." Yondu whispered. Scrotum face roared and turned his back ignoring me. I looked up to see poor baby groot also suffering because of us. They lead us to our cell and I began to pick at the keyhole. "Don't worry i'll get out all out of here." I grabbed a needle from the table and began to move it around the hole.

"You'll need something stronger than a needle." Rocket said when the needle broke itself i. half and I groaned and began to kick around.

"We have to leave this place..i can't breathe." I sat down and Rocket tried to calm me down. "Relax (Y/N)." Yondu said next to me and grabbed my hand. I stared at him and felt calmer. "Thanks."

The three of us looked back outside the bars when we saw groot walking up to us sad, "Groot! what did they do to you buddy?" Rocket asked his friend. "I am groot. I am groot." He replied to the raccoon while Yondu and I had to idea what he was saying.

"Okay think you can help us out?" Rocket asked baby groot

"Yeah that way i'll kick the guys asses who did this to you." I said looking down at the creature who nodded his head slowly.

"Alright then we need you to find this symbol." I said and gave groot a pin so he had an idea of what he should find.

After minutes of him coming back with a couple of things and a human finger Rocket and I began to give up when we saw someone outside. "Kraglin?" I stood up and stared at him. "They killed all of my friends..i'll help you all get out. I don't want either of you guys to die too." Kraglin opened the cell door and I embraced him in a hug.

"I'm proud of you boy." Yondu said happy that his best friend didn't let him down.


After hours of trying to get to Peters location we arrived just in time before the planet began to collapse. "You ready to fight?" Yondu asked grabbing his arrow. "As long as you're by my side." I smile and held onto my guns. Gamora,Drax and the rest of the team began to shoot Ego.

"I shouldn't have trusted that man." Peter said and continued to shoot.

"I told you Peter. The man who you never considered you're father has been right beside you all this time. Where is Rocket and Groot anyway?"

"They're installing a bomb, at any minute this planet will explode."

We continued but Yondu and Peter began to tell me to head back to Kraglin, "I won't leave you two again..I promised i would stay by your side." I said looking at Peter than at Yondu. Yondu smiled and rested his hand on my cheek.

"You were always the best member of the team. If I don't make it I want you to be captain." Yondu said handing me his Ravager badge. I looked back and he leaned in and kissed me, "Don't worry about me i'll make it."

Gamora began to tug on my sleeve for us to leave before I kissed Yondu one last time and headed back on ship. I held onto his badge and waited for all of this to end. The shuttle opened and Peter came in, I walked over and saw that Yondu wasn't behind him,he laid a body on the floor.

I made my way over to Peter placing my hand on his shoulder, "Peter..where is he?" Peter lowered his head and glanced behind him and I began to cry. I held onto Peter and knelt down to Yondu saying my last goodbye to him before they burned him. Peter held onto me while we all stared outside and saw other captains arriving.

I watched as they launched fireworks and I held onto Yondus badge close to me. Staring back up with tears in my eyes I saw one of my millions of stars in the galaxy glowing brighter than the rest.

GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY ONE SHOTS!! (ON HOLD)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ