.:The Lockdown:.(Part 2)

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.:The Lockdown:.

Chapter 10: The Lockdown. (Part 2)

1 week later


The Night Sky.
The Wind blowing ever so faint, but yet you can still feel it.

It alway been just enough for me to go on the cliff on Wayard Road and just look up. I usually came with Kori with a blanket and some music playing on my Beats pill, but not tonight. All I have is me, myself, and I. I mean it didnt plan out that way, but I jumped in my car and just drove and luckily I found myself here. I licked my lips and took a deep breath.

The last week have felt like a year. From hospital visits, to the school still being on lockdown, to news personnel sleeping outside of my house hoping for the scoop. The Alton Academy Assassination, well that was they are calling it, is the biggest thing in Napa right now.

Cequis ended up actually okay, but is in need of some serious therapy to regain full function of his legs. Kori lost alot of blood, but she was sewn up and sent home to heal on her own. Rodger stupid ass body was sent to the morgue and my Dad is in a coma. Thats right he didnt die. The buller lodged right into his frontal lobe and didnt move. It was removed, but he hasnt woke up as of yet. The Doctor say he would have memory lost and some speech deficit..basically a decline in all motor function. My mom and I havent been able to sleep...like at all.

"Kori told me I would find you here—." I heard behind me. I jumped and looked back to see Travis in a olive green hoodie jacket and some jeans. He even had a blanket with him. He threw it out and I stood up and joined him on it.

"Thanks. This rock was killing my ass." I confessed as he chuckled and replied, "I know you might dont care about this right now with your Dads condition, but the District have worked for us and push the game against the Tally Rejects back until further notice...atleast until school re-opens. Coach Kipper called earlier." He smiled and I get what he was trying to do, take my mind off of it.

"Thanks, but everything I do...reminds me of him and then I remember that pyscho ass son of a bitch shot him in the fucking head. He tried to take my Dad out the fucking game." I cried out as Travis reached over and pulled me closer to him...I couldnt help but tense up. He rubbed my back as I exhaled and leaned down and laid on his lap. His dick bulge was literally kissing the back if my neck...literally in this moment I shouldnt be thinking about that.

"My Dad maybe wasnt a doctor or some Sheriff, but he was MY Dad. A superhero to me. Travis I know I am lucky that he didnt die, but what if he wakes up and switches on me—." He still rubbed my back as I continued, "The Doctor said personality changed can happen. What if the Dad I knew and love was taken away by the bullet."

"Take it from the boy who lost both of his parents and to find out they wasnt his real parents...any type of parents would suffice." I felt a tear hit my face and it wasnt mine. I looked up and slowly reached up and wiped his tear.

"Travis, its alright. With that ten million you can buy some parents.." We both chuckled and he leaned back and stated, "Oh if that was an available option. BuildAParent would be a pretty cool store."

"Right? I mean mine our cool, but the chores and all that is for the fucking HAWKS." I told him as he laughed.

"Toes, you are so dramatic. I cant." He slowly kept laughing as we both took a deep breath and he asked, "How has it been with Sean?"

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