.:Stay or Go:.

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.:Stay or Go:.

Chapter 20: Stay or Go?


GINA stated, "Sir Travis, It is time for your morning run." I yawned and sat up in my bed. I looked over and seen it was 5:45 AM. I slid out of my bed with my dick rock hard and stared out of my window over towards the setting moon. I grabbed a pair of briefs and sweats. I grabbed my headphones and dipped. I opened the front door and heard my father behind me.

"Son, where are you going?"

I exhaled. So last night did happen. My parents showed up back here. I slowly closed the door back and turned to face him. He wore is black robe with the letters D.S in gold embroided on the left side.

"Off for a run? Trying to stay fit for next season." He asked me. I gave him a smirk and he replied, "Look I know we moved up the timeline, but that was all on you. Your mother confessed to me about you starting to catch feelings for that family. And of that family is a man who literally was working against your old man. I could have just taken him out—." Did my Dad just admit he will kill someone—does this mean he have killed before.

"We not only invented the best narrative, but nobody saw this coming. I lost my plant and now I own GINA. I got the deal with Yahoo and with the money they funded me I will become the Mayor of this town. It will be a day in Napa in a few months." He vaguely said.

"Mayor Conway is doing a great job..Dad it isnt needed. Mister Coleman have paid enough. He was shot, nearly died, his ex-wife is now with the Sheriff, and now he doesnt have GINA. You WON." I told him. He walked towards me and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Thats just it...Your Pops doesnt play to win...he plays to takeover. And as for the Mayor I am going to go to the courts and issue that he be impeached. Look how many things have happened under his reign. The Crews are literally still moving weight thru this town. Travis smile. Napa will know the last name Scottman." He told me before tightly squeezing my shoulder and continued, "Well, back to your run." He winked his eye and walked off. I licked my lips and rushed out of the door. Just as I passed the Coleman house..I pulled my phone out and texted Benji. I have been txting him all night with no replies. I saw the three little dots pop up and my heart skipped a beat.

"What?" He replied.

"Come out front now." I told him. I moved in between his Dad and his car. I heard the door opened and he walked out in a jacket and shorts. He spotted me and walked over. I have fucked up and I think its time I come clean...
His hand swiftly slapped the fuck out of me. He went to punching the shit out of me.

"I asked you!!! I asked you was you being real..and you told me that you was. I opened myself up to you. Told you shit that no one knows—." He cried out as he kept beating the fuck out of me. I just took it, because it didnt hurt. I was numb.

"This was all for your father...so he can own GINA. Well congrats its all his. Now my father has nothing. And guess what My mom showed up here last night and literally spilled the entire tea to us—and the weird part is my Dad didnt know but he didnt seem as shocked. My life is just taking jabs at me from all sides and the person I expected to protect me like HE said was playing me all along." He spazzed as he punched the back of my head once more.

"Im sorry. At first, yes. Yes the whole moving with you guys was to just help my Dad. Your Dad was working against him at the plant to take it from him. I didnt expect to—." I stopped talking and he shouted, "DIDNT expect what?? You didnt expect to realize to take a mans life work and steal was wrong. They trusted you. I trusted you....I dont know where to go or what to do. Everyone in my life just lies soo much. Travis listen to me carefully. You are dead to me. Dont so much a hum at me...now get the fuck off of my property before I have your ass arrested for trespassing. You know I can—the Sheriff is father. One more thing so are they your real parents?"

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