.:Stay:.(Part 2)

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.:Stay:.(Part 2)

Warning: A Cliffhanger that no one expected is at the end and the epilogue is being removed and changed as the first chapter of Book2. due to it will be a spoiler...so enjoy

Chapter 22: Stay. (Part 2)

"You have reached—." Kori hung up her phone and exhaled. She had finally gotten Dandy to go home and take a shower and rest for a minute. Its been crazy these last few days. She have been trying to get in contact with her mom...she doesnt care about her mom chopping her dad penis off..he deserved it. She looked over towards the incubator and seen her baby basking in the low light to grow more skin.

She gritted her teeth and she thought back to what Landra pulled and is pissed this bitch aint been caught yet...Suddenly, her room door opened and in walked Mama Olivia. She smiled at her grandchild and Kori asked, "Why the fuck are you here? I was informed of the little stunt you pulled..Im almost 18 no judge will give you custody of me and or with my child."

"And you maybe correct, but without me they would have killed your—."

"Shut the hell up..What do you want?" Kori asked her.

"Came by to see if you needed anything and to see Alexa." She said smilig. Kori exhaled, "Im-we are fine..no need to be here."

"The Judge is going to look into your mom after reviewing this case, so make sure she didnt run far...she dismembered my boy. He's alot of things but he didnt deserve that." Mama Olivia replied as I chuckled, "You right-he deserve alot more. She should have had me in on the plan and I would have personally set his body on fucking fire. You wanna know what he was doing right before that—huh?" Mama Olivia took a deep breath as tears filled in Kori eyes.

"Your darling son was laying on top of me...about to take advantage of me like he had done many times before. I know you remember the first time. It was the summer of 5th grade when I visited your house. You got me all dolled up and brought me that new pink dress with the bows on it. I love that dress and after that I could never where the color again, just to be safe and now I have baby girl and I cant imagine how you or my mom, who isnt perfect, allow him to do that to me...someone you knew, love, and care for...because im literally 2 days in with her and just want to protect her at all cost. Now can you please leave? I wanna get some rest." Mama Olivia turned around and walked out of the room. Kori sat back and took a deep breath.

"Im going to head over to the house...Benji finally called and he only tells me that his father havent been there in two days. I have been calling Curtis out the ass." Ruby told Holden before she kissed his lips and climbed out of the bed naked. She went over to the dresser and grabbed some clothes and quickly got dress. Holden phone rang from the night table. He leaned over and grabbed it. A picture message from Dandy of Alexa when she was first born. He smirked and Ruby asked, "so how Dandy feel?"

"He wants me to come over and help him put the crib up later. Alex is improving on schedule and within 2 months she will be home. He wants to make sure everything is in order." Holden confessed to her and she gawked at the cuteness of it all. She have always been a sucker for a sob story, like the movie Best Of Me.

She grabbed her L.V bag and checked if her carkeys was there and came over towards Holden. They kissed and she scurried off. He hopped out of the bed and his dick swung between his legs as he went into the bathroom. He cut the shower on and realized it was no hot water. He bit his lip and said, "Fuck. Im so sick of this fucking heater." He stomped the floor as he went over and grabbed a pair of briefs. He grabbed his Timberland boots and stuck his feet in them. He went downstairs and out on the back porch. He descended down 5 steps and went over to the heater pump. He opened the small cage that guarded and noticed the knob was turned back to cold and completely broken off.

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