.:OUT and About:.

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.:OUT and About:.

Chapter 16: OUT and About.


Its been a full month since Sean funeral and I still wake up and get dress for school...thinking I wills see him when I get there to be let down every morning. And today was no different as I arched my eyebrows in the mirror. It was a knock at my room door and I said, "Come innnn!" Suddenly, Travis came into the bathroom with his only briefs on and I couldnt NOT look.

"Tomorrow night is the night—." He said vaguely and I turned to him and stated, "What are you talking about now?"

"Im talking about Im moving into my house 3 doors down and I am throwing a HUGE party. And since you have been a big help and making sure its in order I figured you should be at the party. I am inviting our whole class." He told me. Welp, I couldnt hold him back anymore. The day has finally come.

"Ill be there but you need to let me trim those bushes you call eyebrows. I wont slay them..Ill just make them really nice." I told him. He laughed as he covered them and replied, "Get over it...you arent getting to these bad boys." Suddenly, we heard my mom screaming from downstairs. I quickly ran over to my bed and grabbed my ipad. I clicked on the kitchen camera and she was hopping around while looking towards my Dad. Travis leaned over my shoulder and stated, "Something seems to have these two happy." We rushed downstairs and I ran into the kitchen and asked, "Whats going on?" Ever since my Dad returned its been great. He is trying his best to get back to his old self and allowing us to fill in blanks. The sad part is my mother rarely sleeps here now. She is usually with Holden every night. However, he told me he just wants her to be happy.

"GINA got her debut commercial. Its nationwide." My Dad told me as he walked over and showed me. He have been working to catch up these last few weeks down at the factory that was built in his name. Travis and I watched the commercial and it looked really good. I cant believe my Dad vision happened. I hugged him and told him, "I am so proud of you, but another congrats is in order..Travis house is ready for him to move in." My mom gasped and walked over and they hugged.

"You have been amazing and I hope you dont forget about us." She told him.

"Never. Im legit down the street...if I want some of those famous ribs or even Mister Coleman Collard Greens I am stopping by." He told her as we all laughed. My Dad added, "You always have a seat at my dinner table...now son get back to that mirror because those brows are freaking me the fuck out." All three of them laughed and I stuck middle fingers at all of them.

I parked my car and stepped out and I must admit that the entire parking lot was already bragging and talking about Travis party tomorrow night. How the fuck did news travel so fast? I felt someone wrap their arms around my neck and I turned around. It was Cris.

"HEY! So I take it you the one got the news about the party around." I asked and he laughed, "Hey the Online School Paper gave me a column to express myself and I did just that. And please tell me you are comingg. Netflix and your hand should be tired of you." He shaded me a tadbit.

"I ammmm. and no need for the shade—."

Cequis walked up on the other side of me and interjected, "Who is being shady? Nevermind that..I am charge of liquor being as though my cousin works at the liquor store. Txt me your preferences..." He looked down and seen Tim Crews and ran off. They clapped up and went around the corner.

"When did those two become friends?" I mumbled, but Cris still heard me.

"Ever since Quis been buying from him. He seriously need to slow down on the drugs." Cris said all hypocrite-like.

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