.:Pain Stings:.

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.:Pain Stings:.

Chapter 11: Pain Stings


"Seannnnnn." I moaned as he sucked in my neck and my eyes rolled to the back of my head. He chuckled as he came back up to my lips and we started kissing. His breath tasted like winterfresh. I wrapped my legs around his waist and suddenly my room door opened. I looked over and said, "Travis?"

Sean sat up and grabbed his shirt, "What the fuck bro? Why are you here?" Sean still looked confused.

"I live here—." Travis confessed. Sean shot me a look and my jaw dropped. He looked over at me and continued, "Your mom got an email on school. It starts tomorrow and we have a big assembly."

"That couldnt wait...seriously, Red Roses." I told him.

"Nope. Later Toes." He said before closing the door. Sean was still staring at me.

"He have been here a few weeks. His parenrs are overseas and before you ask his car is in the garage." I told Sean as he stood up and stuffed his crotch back in his jeans. He chuckled, "The whereabouts of his car isnt my concern. Why didnt you tell me? Thats why I couldnt come over."

"He didnt want anyone to know and isnt my place. Where are you going?" I asked. 

"Imma head home...Toes." He said throwing shade as he leaned over and kissed my forehead...like a damn dog. I sat back as he walked out of my room. I grabbed a pillow off my bed and rushed across the hall and burst into Travis room and threw it at the bed..but he wasnt in the bed. I then realized he was in the bathroom. I heard the shower running. I went over to the GINA tablet and punched in Travis room code and then pressed shower and turned the temperature to freezing cold. I smirked as I heard him snap, "FUCK!" I started laughing and within seconds he came running out with a rag cupping his dick.

"Benji, really what the fuck was that for?" He asked as water ran down his perfect Dark chocolate skin. I said, "Well, being that I have to go take a cold shower because you just fucking cockblocked...I figured you can use one too."

"What? I didnt do shit." He lied. I chuckled, "Lies! You literally came to tell me about school starting. That couldnt wait. I told you Sean was coming. You ruined my entire night. He left."

"Oops." He said as he shrugged his shoulders. I turned the water back and shook my head. He didnt get it. He think it was a game. I really like Sean. Its hard to find a gay person in Napa that isnt in the woodlands..where I havent been since Sean came back here. He is out and is happy to be with me. 

"You dont get it." I said before he asked, "Get what?" I exhaled and said, "Go and enjoy your shower. Goodnight." I turned and walked towards the the door felt both of his hands touch each of my shoulders. That meant that rag that he was using to cover his dick was on the floor. If I turn around I would finally see Travis completely naked.

"Im sorry. I really am." He said with so much seriousness in his tone. I stayed focusing on the brown small coffee stain on the door. Aaron did it and once he died...we would never paint over it. I quickly tensed up and stated, "Yeah. Its fine." I opened the door and walked out.

"You okay?" I heard my mom ask and I jumped. I laughed, "Yeah-about to go lay down. You?"

"Had a dinner date with Holden..but I been at the hospital all day so it is turning to a nightcap. After the assembly at school if you want me to pick you up I will." She asked.

"Its fine, I think ill be good. And Enjoy your night I know since Dad got hurt..It must feel weird. If Holden helps numb the pain Im all for it." I told her as we hugged and she exhaled, "Curtis survived a shot that suppose to killed him. If anything he is presistent. Fuck what those doctors say when he wake he will be the same man we knew. He will want us to smile and enjoy this time. I got off the phone with Yahoo and the offer is still up for GINA. Your father had already sent designs and blueprints to them. All that organizing paid off." I kissed her cheek and stated, "Well goodnight. Lock up."

My Obsession, His Admirer.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ