.:Hashtag Goals:.

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.:Hashtag Goals:.

Chapter 18: Hashtag Goals.

Sheriff Porter

I sat in my squad car outside of The Woodlands for the upcoming second hour. I sipped my coffee and awaited for the person I was meeting up here to show up. It aint like that. This is pertaining to this case with Kelly. Suddenly, I seen Kipper coming out of the woods and over to his car. He crunk it up and sped off down the road. I gave him about 1 minute before I drove off behind him. He turned on to oak road and I made the same turn.

Just as I was about to hit the siren button, my phone started ringing. It was Ruby. I clicked the green phone and she stated, "Hey, Im about to watch the new episode of The Good Doctor without...where are you?"

"Finishing up on this case. Warm my steak up. Ill be there soon." I told her and as I heard her replying I hung up. I clicked the siren button and Kipper pulled over. I pulled behind him and stepped out of my car. I walked over in my Sheriff uniform and knocked at his window to his truck. He rolled it down and started laughing, "Holden, you are a piece of fucking work. What did I do?"

"Kipper, out of the car now." I told him. He unlocked the door and stepped out. I rammed him up against the car door and he winced as I spreaded his legs. I patted him down and grabbed at his crotch and ass to fuck with him.

"Holden, is this fucking necessary. You know I got a big dick...we use to have circle jerks every sunday in high—."

"Shut the fuck up and turn around and listen to me—." I told him as he slowly turned around.

"I got some Information that I think you will like...you know how you went out and protected your Wrestling team the other day at the station. Bold Statement. But would you have done that if it was your Natallie?" I asked and his eyebrows flexed.

"What you getting at Holden?" He asked.

"Talk to your daughter...I know you have noticed some changes. The source I got this information is very credible, trust me. One of your boys been a naughty boy." I told him as I slapped his face and replied, "Get on home...oh and a heads up dont be at the woodlands tomorrow...the pop up raid via the Mayor Request is happening..everyone found there is getting arrested. You may think I have forgotten I came from the other side of the tracks, but back then we protected our own."

I walked off and he quickly jumped back in his car and zoomed off of the road. I bet he was headed home to question his daughter right now. I texted Kelly that I just baited him. Mario will be the rabbit to get caught by tail.


"Okay...the swabs are in and it shouldnt be long. If you want I can email you two once the results come in." Doctor Ryman told us. Dandy and I both said in unison, "Yes you can." We hopped off the operating table and went back into the waiting room. Kori and Travis stood up and we all walked out of the clinic. We came wayy to the city to avoid Dandy's Dad getting wind. We done skipped school and everything. We want these results so when we confront them its for sure and they are backed into a corner.

Travis looked at his Apple Watch and stated, "Well that took quicker than expected. We can hit up the boardwalk and go and eat."

Kori gasped, "Isnt that Seafood place out there?? Oh My God..I can taste those crabss. Lets go." We all laughed at her and she stuck the middle finger at us. Dandy kissed her and stated, "Ride with them..I picked up another shift."

"What? Bro, I told you to come and move in with me. I have 5 extra rooms..I would love the company of yall—."

I added, "And you will be closer to me, whore." Dandy exhaled, "Nah, I wanna do this on my own. I got it." He clapped us up and kissed Kori on the lips before he rushed over to his car.

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