The Confession

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I sat at the table and ordered a Tequila Sunrise from the bartender. Surprisingly it wasn't Dave, but some random old lady.

"Hard day?" She asked, pouring out some tequila into the glass.

"Nah, just learned that my girlfriend had a fiancée."

"Oof. Babe, don't worry. I was there once." She glared at me with promising eyes. "And it wasn't very pretty."

Nothing could stop me from asking, "Are you a butch lesbian?"

"The hair tells a lot, huh?"

I silently giggled. "Sure."

"So. What's this girl's name?" She asked.


"Mm. Cute."

"What about your dumbass girlfriend?"

"Jessica. She was real cute and all, but then some bullshit broke down and ended with me left in the dirt. Apparently once we were dating, she was already married. Even worse, to some gorgeous ex of mine."

"Damn. Must hurt." I buried my face in my hands.

"Too bad it gets worse."

I looked up at her as she gave me my drink.

"If you did what I did, that is."

"What did you do?"

"What you're doing now, my dear friend. Moping around."

"Thanks," I looked over at her name-tag then continued, "Morgan."

"You're welcome, darling."

"Do you have a wife now?"

"Yep. And hopefully you'll find a good one too. What's your name by the way?"

"It's Kacii."

"Rad. Go get yourself a new lover, Kacii." She winked at me.

I turned around just in time to notice that Elle just entered the bar.

"Oh shit. She's here."

"Now I say, go dump that sorry ass then walk away with a new bride." She smiled.

Elle finally made her way to the table. "Hey, Kacii."

"What's up?"

"Nothing, really. Damn, I'm kind of late today. Sorry." She pouted and leaned in for a cheek kiss, but I stopped her.

"Oh, yeah, huh? Why is that?"

"Okay, damn. It's not personal."

"Are you trying to avoid my question here?"

"I don't understand. I was late because my car broke down halfway down the road."

She looked so cute with flushed cheeks, yet part of me was still calling out "traitor!". My mind tugged at being frank with her and stop beating around the bush, but my mouth just wouldn't approve.

"Nothing in particular happened in the house, right?"

"No, of course not. First off, I live in an apartment, and second, I live alone. What are you trying to say?" Elle suddenly raised her voice.

"Oh, now you live alone in a damn apartment! What's wrong with you, Elle?"

"I'm telling the damn truth, but some reason you're not approving of it! What's gotten into you, Kacii Macias?" She picked up my hands.

I let go of her comforting touch. "Don't ever call me by my full name ever again. I tell you one time and only one damn time, you hear me, Elle? I don't wanna deal with this shit ever again. This... this is bullshit!" I continued, my eyes full of tears the size of watermelons, "I thought I could trust you. I... I thought we had something real."

She looked somewhat hurt. "What are you talking about?" Elle said, throwing her hands up in the air.

"I'm sorry, Elle. I know now. You don't have to hide it from me anymore."

"Hide? There is no hiding in this relationship!"

"Alena is your damn fiancée. You liar. You betrayer. You... you..." I stopped. It was no use.

"So... you're saying you trust Alena more than me?"

"No. I never trusted you." I started heading for the door while Elle just sat there, motionless. I looked back for a second and said, "You know, the good die young but so did this." And with that, I was out the door.


P.S. Used a Halsey lyric. See if you can find it. :)


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