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Christmas Eve
Evies POV:
'Evie come on! The party starts soon!' Lilly calls up the stairs.
Were all staying in Saphires house for Christmas. Its amazing! Me and Jason managed to have our own room!
I fix my hair and my long red dress. I apply another lair of lipstick and then leave the room. I stand at the landing as all heads turn to me.
'Jason look!' Jim says as he turns around.
Jasons jaw drops. I walk down the stairs where Jason greets me.
'I didnt over do it did I? Im not sure if red works. I dont know if I put enough lipstick on. Should I put on more?'
He chuckles.
'Evelyn Ann Torjman. Always has been and always will be a total fashion diva perfectionist. You look beautiful babe! Dont even worry about it!'
'Thats dads line! Right dad!'
'Yes it is! Just because youve stollen my daughter for the last five years doesnt mean you can steal my line too!'
'Okay I didnt steal! I borrowed! Big difference!'
Everyone laughs as the 14 of us leave the house.
Jasons POV:
Were at the party and James manages to sneak me aside.
'How are you feeling?'
'Excited. Slightly nervous and anxious and nervous. Did I say that already?'
'Relax. You got this! Youll do amazing! Im right behind you'
I nod.
I sneak back up to Evie.
'You look so beautiful tonight'
I nod.
She smiles.
We turn around and see two women standing there.
'Amanda! Gisselle! Oh my god! Hi!' she says hugging them.
'Its been ages! How was tour!'
'Amazing! We took so many photos and videos!'
She smiles.
'Oh. Jason. This is Gisselle and Amanda. Gisselle, Amanda, this is Jason my boyfriend'
They smile and shake my hand.
'Amanda? Your the one who had the boyfriend who said vamoose all the time!' I say.
'Yep. That was me! How did you know?'
'Evie told me. She said vamoose one day and I asked her about it and she told me about you'
'Ahh. I see'
'Then theres scadaddle which her aunt Piper says'
'Actually how is Piper?' they ask.
'Shes good. Shes over there' Evie says pointing to her.
'Were going to say hi to her. See you later. Nice to meet you Jason' they say leaving.
I smile as they go.
I turn to Evie.
'Im getting a drink. You want one?'
'Sure. Thanks'
I go and get them.
Rileys POV:
'Hey Michelle!' I smile.
'Hey Riley! How are you?'
'Im good! How are you?'
'Im great!'
I smile.
'Hows James?'
'Hes good I guess' looking over at him.
'I just dont know where we stand. I still want to be with him so badly. I love him so much. Ive been trying to show him that for months. But nothings working'
'Maby you need to stop trying and just let nature take its course'
'But I love him. And I dont know if he loves me back. I just want to be with him again so badly. I just want to be the way we were. I just wish I knew how he felt'
'Well now is your chance to find out'
James approaches us.
'Hey guys'
'You enjoying the party?'
'Yeah its great'
We all look at eachother.
The music turns to slow music. James looks at me.
'Do you wanna dance?'
I smile.
'Id love to'
I take his hand as Michelle winks. I smile.
I wrap my arms around his neck as he wraps his around my back.
'When last did we do this?' I ask.
'Dunno. A long time ago anyway'
I nod.
'Do you miss...this? Us been like this? Having fun together?' I ask.
He thinks for a moment.
'Yeah. I do'
I nod.
'Me too'
We continue to dance.
Evies POV:
'What do you think their talking about?' I ask Jason as we slow dance and watch them.
'Maby that their daughter is creeping them out and wont stop stalking them! Would you relax! It will all work out!" he chuckles.
'Im not stalking them! Im just curious!'
'Arent we all!'
I smile.
'So. This is your first time with your new big family at Christmas. How does it feel?' I ask.
'Strange. But also amazing. I just wish my sister was here. Shes have loved this. Shed have loved them'
'Shes here. And you know it'
He nods and smiles. I kiss him.
'I love you'
'I love you too'
James POV:
We glance over at Jason and Evie.
'So when is he going to ask her?' Riley asks.
'Awww! Thats so cute! At midnight!'
I cover her mouth with my hand.
'Shhhhh! Quiet! Shell here you!"
I remove my hand.
'Its just so exciting! She could be getting married!' Riley squeels.
'Yeah and if she does lets just hope she wont end up like us' I say.
'She wont. And besides. We arent that bad right now. Were friends right?'
I look into her eyes.
'Yeah. Right'
'Um...Ive been doing alot of thinking recently and Ive figured it out'
'Figured what out?' I ask.
'The real reason why you loved me'
I look at her.
'Its because I am who I am around you. I can be the person I want to be. Im there when-'
'I need you. Your not afraid to voice your oppinion or your beliefs. Your not afraid to stick up for whats right. Your not afraid to admitt when your wrong. You put yourself before others and care for them like their the only people on earth. Your you. And your amazing and magical' I cut in.
She looks at me touched.
'James I cant tell you how sorry I am for everything Ive done. Ive ripped this family appart. Ive destroyed something so special between us that I cant get back. Ive tried and tried to get it back what we had but I cant. I cant find it. Since youve moved on...I just...I dont know what to do. Ive really tried to make things better. But it hasnt worked. Im so sorry James. I really am'
I look at her.
'I lied to you Riley'
'About what?'
'Saying Ive moved on. I havent. I never have. From the second I took off that ring and walked out that door I regreted it. I tried to tell myself it was over between us but it didnt work. My heart wouldnt let me move on cause it still akes for the only one who can put a plaster on it and mend it. You Riley. Only you can mend it. I was so destroyed and angry inside that I refused to believe it. But I know now how wrong I was. All I want is you. I want you back Riley. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I love you Riley. I never stopped loving you'
'James...I dont want to plaster your heart back together...'
I look at her.
No. After everything. Dont say you dont want to be with me again. Please!
'...I want to super glue it back togetger so I know I can never break it again'
A beam spreads across my face.
She leans in to kiss me but I step back.
'What are you doing?' I ask.
'Oh. I just thought...sorry' she says putting her head down.
I smile.
'Im just kidding. Come here beautiful' I say spinning her around and smashing my lips onto hers. As we kiss its like tiny fireworks going off. Its the most amazing feeling ever and it reminds me of why I really loved her. I can just about hear everyone cheering as Im so focused on the kiss and whos kissing me.
We pull away and smile.
'I love you Riley Raymond'
'I love you too James Torjman'
'Hey. Lets make you a Torjman again' I smile.
I pull out her old engagement ring from my pocket.
'Where did you find that?'
'Under the bed'
She smiles.
'Will you marry me? Again?'
I slip it on her finger and kiss her again.
I got my girl back!
Best night ever!
Jasons POV:
I have my arms wraped around Evies waist from behind as she jumps up and down as her parents kiss.
'AHHHH! Their back together! And their getting married!'
She turns around.
'You did it. I cant believe you actually did it! You gave me my Christmas wish'
'I never break my promises!'
She smiles and kisses me.
The clock strikes midnight. My heart skips a beat. This is it. I glance at James who nods at me and signals for the dj to stop the music. It seems like word got around about this cause everyone is focused on us.
'Jason? Why has the music stopped and why is everyone staring at us? Jason! Whats going on! Tell me!'
I laugh snd take her hands.
'Evelyn Ann Torjman. I love you so much and your the one person Ive dreamt of my whole life. Youve been such an amazing person and Im so happy to know you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to have kids and grow old with you. I want to devote my life to you. So...'
I take out the box that Ive kept for months and get down on one knee and open it. She gasps and covers her mouth as tears start to appear. I smile up at her.
'Will you marry me?'
All you can hear are sobs comming from her.
She eventually nods.
'Yes I will!'
I smile and place the ring on her her finger.
I get up and pull her in for a kiss. She smiles.
'I got worried there when you left me hanging!'
'Sorry. Its just so perfect! Its my dream Christmas come true but much better! Its perfect!' she cries.
I kiss her again.
Everyone runs over to us.
Jiley push through the crowd and Evie jumps into her moms arms and just cries.
James smiles at me.
'You did good bro'
'So did you'
He smiles.
Evie looks at me
"Jason! My mascara is running and I forgot to bring some tissues and my favourite one!'
I smile.
'I figured this would happen so I brought supplies! Sally! Come here!'
My sister steps next to me and hands me a bag.
She smiles and walks off.
I hand her the bag.
She opens it and gasps.
I smile.
She throws herself at me and kisses me.
'Your the most amazing person ever! I cant wait to marry you!'
I smile at her.
James holds up miseltoe over our heads.
'Kiss her!'
We laugh and I lean in and kiss her.
Everyone cheers.
Evies right.
This is the best Christmas ever!

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