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Jacks POV:
Its 2:30 am. I walk out of my room to go and get a drink. As I pass my older sisters room I hear sobbing. I stop and open her door and see her curled up in her bed crying her heart out.
'E? Are you okay?' I quietly ask.
She quickly wipes away the tears and looks at me.
'Y-yeah. Im fine. What are you doing up?'
'I was just going to get a drink when I heard you crying'
She nods and sits up.
'Come in'
I walk into her room and close the door. She turns on her bedside lamp. I sit next to her on the bed.
'Why were you crying?' I ask looking at my sisters red and swolen eyes.
She sighs.
'Im just finding this all so overwhelming'
'With everything thats going on with mom and dad and...'
'Yeah. Him. Im just finding it hard to cope'
'Why didnt you say something?'
'Cause I didnt want to let you guys down. Im the eldest and its my job to look after you. If I told you that this is what happenes everynight...that I cry myself to sleep...youd think that Im a faliur'
'Your not a faliur. Your my big sister. Youve been there for all of us since the day we wete born'
'I just dont know what to do'
'Youve done everything you can'
She sighs.
'I sometimes feel Im the youngest one'
I laugh.
She looks at me and places a hand on my cheek.
'I love you. You know that?'
I nod.
'I love you too'
She hugs me.
Why cant they see that this is tearing us apart?
Its not fair.

Jiley - Living Through A DivorceWhere stories live. Discover now