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Evies POV:
I squeel as Jason pushes me onto the bed and tickles me.
'Say it E!'
'Have it your way!'
He tickles me harder.
'Ahhh! Jason! Stop!'
'Not untill you say it!'
'Okay! Okay! I love you! Your the best boyfriend ever!'
He smiles and stops tickling me.
'Thank you'
I smile and sit up.
I attach my lips to his. His hands roam my body as my hands go through his dark hair. I pull away and smile at him.
'Damn I love you Evelyn Torjman'
'And I love you Jason Mcguire'
He smiles.
I suddenly hear a door bang shut and someone storming downstairs.
I sigh.
'You okay?'
'I just dont get it. Why does mom have to ruin everything?'
'Well have you considered that maby shes trying to fix things?'
'Well it definatly isnt working'
'Maby its because people arent listening to what she has to say. Maby shes feeling all alone'
'I guess. I just hate it. Christmas is nearly here and its going to be another year of them fighting and not getting on. Me and the others will have to travel from house to house everyday. Its not fair'
'I know. Christmas really sucked for me too'
I look at him.
'How did you manage?'
'I used to run away to my friends house every year. My parents were so caught up in their own problems that they never knew I was gone. My sister used come with me. We always had such a blast there. They made us so welcome. They were like our real family. It was amazing. But then when my sister died, I stopped going there. I locked myself in my room every Christmas and just listen to my parents arguing. It was the worst. And then one Christmas I heard nothing. There was no noise. I went downstairs and saw that he had left. My mom looked at me and said 'hes gone Jason. And hes never commimg back'. She was right. Cause a few years later I was cycling in some town and I saw him leaving a house with three children infront of him and a lady next to him who was pregnant. I didnt want him to see me so I went home and never told my mom'
'Why not?'
'Cause shed be heartbroken all over again. She had shut everyone out when he left. I certanly didnt want her joining my sister till she was old'
I put my head down.
'Im so sorry'
'You have nothing to be sorry about. Now I think you need a hug from your loving boyfriend' he smiles.
I laugh and snuggle into his chest. We lie down on the bed.
'Have you ever thought about...'
I stop.
'About what?'
'N-nothing. Never mind'
He shrugs.
'There is one thing I have thought about though' he says.
'Whats that?'
'Having a future with you'
I smile up at him.
'Yeah. I mean your the cuttest girl in town!'
I laugh.
'Your so sweet'
'I know'
The door bursts open and my siblings run in.
We sit up.
'Guys whats wrong?' I ask noticing their worried expressions.
'Dad and mom are gone! Dad stormed out and the bedroom window is open!'
We jump up.
'Right. Ill try calling them. Search the town. Ask people if theyve seen mom. Dad will be home later' I tell them.
They nod and run downstairs.
I ring my moms phone but it goes to voicemail.
'I think her phone is dead'
'Okay. We have to go on foot'
Jason drags me out of the room.

We run through the town asking people if they have seen her.
'Where could she be?' I ask.
'The park?'
'Yes! Try there. Call me if you find her'
'I will'
He runs off while we comtinue to look for her.
Jasons POV:
I run into the park and look around. Suddenly I see someone sitting on a bench. The only person in the park. Riley. I walk over to her. I take out my phone and text Evie.
Hey. I found her. Shes at the park.
She quickly replies.
Thank god! Were on our way
I sit down next to her.
'We were all worried about you'
'You didnt need to be. Im fine'
'Really? Cause I dont call escaping through a window fine. Something bad could have happened to you'
'Well it didnt'
I sigh.
'Look. I dont want to fight with you. I know its not easy. Its going to be tough but I know you can do it. You can get through this'
'I just dont know how. Im a mess. The children are so upset. Ive ruined everything'
'No you havent'
She looks at me.
'You just have to try and put everything aside between you and James for a while. Focus on the rest of your family. They really need you. They need their mom. Its nearly Christmas and they just want their parents to be happy together. Please at least try'
She sighs.
'Okay. Ill try'
I nod.
I look up and Evie and the others running towards us.
They hug her.
'Im so sorry for running off. Im just really messed up right now'
'Its okay'
'Mom Im sorry' Lilly says.
'Sorry for what darling?'
'For saying I hated you a while back. I dont. I was just angry'
'I know you were baby. We all say things we dont really mean when were angry'
'Hey guys'
We look up and see James.
He looks at Riley sadly. She puts her head down.
'Riley Im sorry for what I said to you earlier. It wasnt right'
'Its okay. I deserved it'
'No you didnt. I just dont want to see you throwing your life away because of what happened between us. I just want want you to be happy'
She looks at him.
'But Im happiest with you'
James takes a step back in surprise.
Evie sits on my lap and smiles.
'Thats why I cant move on James. Your all I care about. I love you. I havent stopped loving you. Please James. I cant move on without you. And I know you cant either. I know you havent moved on'
He puts his head down.
'Well I have'
Everyone goes quiet.
'I dont believe it! Jason! Is that you!'
I look up and I cant believe who I see.
Evie gets off my lap and I stand up and face my dad.
I look to the people standing next to him. He has four children and a woman who I clearly remember as been his wife.
'Its so good to see you!' he says trying to hug me.
I back away.
'Dont you dare touch me' I tell him.
'Im sorry but who are you?' James asks him.
'Im his father'
I see rage fill his face.
I had told him everything about what he did to my family. Half the stuff I havent told Evie yet. If I tell her what he did she wouldnt manage. Shes going through enough at the moment.
'I think you should meet my wife Saphire and your step-brothers and sisters' he says with still a huge grin on his face.
'Id rather not'
'Dont speak like that!' Saphire tells me.
'You should be respectful!' she says.
Im shocked.
'Excuse me. But who do you think you are telling me how I should speak to the person my dad cheated on my mom with, causing her to be heart broken and causing my sister to kill herself!' I shout.
She stands shocked.
'Um...would you like to introduce us to these people?' my dad asks.
'No! Dont you get it! I want nothing to do with you or your stupid new family! Youve ruined my life! Youve ruined my moms life! I dont have a sister anymore because of you! Because you thought we werent good enough for you! I hear my mom crying herself to sleep every night! Shes shut everyone out! She barely even talks to me! What makes you think I would want anything to do with you after what you did to us!'
'Im very sorry son'
'Sorry! Sorry isnt going to cut it! Youve destroyed everything!'
He stands there silent.
'Appoligise to your father right now!' Saphire says.
'Oh please! Dont be such a bitch!' Evie says stepping foward.
Before I know it Saphire is flat on the ground in pain after Evie punching her. I look at her shocked.
'What? She was getting on my nerves!'
I smile.
'How dare you punch her! Has your parents thought you anything!' my dad says.
'Thays it! Im going to kill you!' Evie says.
I stand infront of her.
'Oh no you dont' I tell her.
'If you must know my parents are the best ones ever! They mightnt be getting along right now but they love us as much as we love them! Theve taken care of us our whole lives and made us who we are! So dont you dare speak badly of them!' she shouts.
'And whos this?' he asks me pointing to her.
I look at him.
'Shes my girlfriend'
'Well if I must say, you certanily chose one crazy girl'
'What did you just say about her?'
'I mean come on! Shes crazy! She punched my wife! Wheres social services when you need them!'
I pounce foward but Im stopped by Evie.
'Jason dont. Please'
I look at her.
I can tell that shes hurt by what he said.
James stands infront of us.
'Take back what you just said about my daughter right now'
'No way. And if you have any sence youd ship her off somewhere'
With that James cracks.
He throws him to the ground.
'I would never do something like that! I love her more than anything! Id rather die than do such a horrible thing! But Im not suprised that you said that considering what you did to Jason and his family! You locked them in a room, threatened to kill them and burn down their house! Your the one who should be shipped off! Not my daughter!'
'DAD! Stop!' Evie shouts.
James gets off him and pulls him up. He stands back.
Lilly charges towards him and kicks his leg.
'Leave my sister and her boyfriend alone you creep!'
I smile at how cute she is.
I look at my dad who is wincing in pain.
'See what pain feels like? Except you made our pain twice as bad. Now you can either leave and never show your face here again, or these kids will make your day a living hell and then youll know what real pain feels like' I tell him.
'Okay fine. Were leaving'
Saphire wakes up after been knocked out. Evie stands over her. When she sees her fear runs through her and she quickly gets up and leaves with the others.
We laugh.
Evie puts her head down.
'Hey whats wrong?' I ask.
'Am I really crazy?'
I smile.
'No your not. Dont listen to him. Hes just jealous because hes now seeing what he missed and what he got rid of'
'What was that?'
I lean in and kiss her. She smiles.
I pull away and see Lilly looking up at me.
'Hey flower'
'Did I kick him hard enough!'
I laugh and bend down.
'Yes you did. You kicked him really hard'
I smile as she high-fives me.
Evie puts a hand on my shoulder and I stand up.
'You didnt tell me everything Ja'
'About what?'
'What he did to you. Why?'
'Because you have enough to be dealing with. I didnt want to be a burden on you'
'Your not a burden. Your my family. And I love you'
She tightly hugs me.
'Ah...guys. Sorry to inturrupt but Rileys gone again' James says.
Evie sighs.
'Damn you mom'
We go through the park to look for her but cant find her.
'She probaly went home' I tell them.
'Yeah. Lets go. Ive seen enough of this park for one day. And I need an ice pack. My knuckles hurt like hell from punching that bitch'
I smile.
'No pain no gain babe'
She laughs as I throw my arm around her shoulder as we go home.

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