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3 days later
Evies POV:
I thought it would be strange having mom here but to be honest youd barely notice shes here. She seems to spend alot of time in the kitchen tyding up and making food and in her room reading. Im starting to think that shes really trying to change.
'Guys! Lunch!' mom calls from the kitchen. We get up from the coutch and go into the kitchen. She has a lovely salad made out. We sit down but she doesnt join us.
'Mom are you joining?' I ask.
'Hmm? Oh no. Im happy enough to eat in my room. Thanks though' she says leaving with her food.
We look at eachother.
'I guess she really did mean what she said by been out of the way' dad says.
'I really think shes trying to change' I tell them.
'Id be carefull guys. This is Riley were talking about. She cheated on dad twice with the same guy' Jack says.
'Jack stop that! You shouldnt talk about that! We all make mistakes! Just give her time! I know her better than all of you. She can change!' dad tells us.
We all drop the topic and continue to eat.
Rileys POV:
I dont bother eating with the others cause I know it will just be akward. And they probaly have things to talk about. I just want to let them get used to me been around them again. So Im pretty happy in my room. A knock comes on the door and Evie walks in.
'Hey mom'
She sits down next to me.
'Im sorry about what happened with Alfie' she says.
I look at her.
'Evie. Be realistic. You hated him'
She smiles.
'Yeah. I guess I did. But that doesnt mean I dont feel bad for you'
I smile.
'Ive been so stupid. I dont know what I was thinking' I tell her.
'We all make mistakes'
'I just wish I wasnt so stupid'
'Can I ask you something?'
'Do you still love dad?'
'Right now Im just so confused. I just need time to get my head around it'
She nods.
'Why dont you come and watch a movie with us?'
'Um...Ill think about it'
She nods and stands up.
'I cant believe Im saying this but I missed you, and its good to have you back'
I smile.
'Its good to be back'
She smiles and leaves.
I lye back on my bed and listen to the silence. I then hear laughing and giggling comming from the sitting room. Maby watching a movie isnt such a bad idea.
James POV:
We sit down infront of the tv with popcorn. I turn to Evie.
'Did you ask her?'
'Yeah. She said shell think about it'
I nod.
Knowing Riley shell show up. She never misses a movie.
Were about to watch the movie when she comes in.
'Mind if I join?' she shyly asks.
'Weve been waiting' I smile patting the seat next to me. She smiled and sits next to me. I look over at Evie and smile.
'Yes! I mean yeah sure. Thanks' she says akwardly taking some out of the bowl.
I smile.
Its just like when we were younger.
The movie starts to play and I notice Riley shuffling uncomfortably next to me. Shes always been so used to snugling up next to me during films.
'You can sunggle up with me if you want' I whisper.
'Um...wouldnt that be kinnda weird after everything thats happened?'
I smile.
'Well yeah. But I dont really care'
She looks at me and slowely rests herself against me. I place my arm on her shoulder and smile. Things mightnt be excatly perfect between us but theres still hope. I just know it.
Evies POV:
I glance over at my parents and Im shocked to see them cuddled up together. I cant help but smile. Maby theres a chance that they will get back together. Maby theres hope that we can go back to been a proper family.
Just maby.

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