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Rileys POV:
I walk into the studio for work. I look up and see the last person I expected to see. James.
'What the hell are you doing here?' I ask.
'Michelle text me saying shed be out so she asked me to step in. She said she mentioned it to you'
'Right. Yeah okay' I say walking into my office.
'I see youve kept the place well' he says.
I nod and sit down at my desk and take out a bunch of paperwork.
'Am...A troupe will be here soon. Theyll fill you in on what theyve done. Just do some improve or something with them' I tell him.
'Okay' he nods.
I sigh as I begin to work at the pile of papers stacked high on my desk.
Evies POV:
I walk into studio A to start class and I cant believe who I see. Whats dad doing here? I turn to my siblings.
'Guys. Look'
They looks up and see dad. Lilly runs towards him.
'Hey flower' he smiles picking her up.
We go over to him.
'What are you doing here?'
'Im covering for Michelle today'
'Oh. Okay'
'Youll have to tell me what youve done'
We nod.
'Does mom know?'
'How is she taking it? Ye can barely be in the same room together for a second. Dont mind all day'
He sighs.
'To be honest, I dont know. I cant tell how shes feeling about it. I guess Ive lost all abilities to read her now. Which means I cant help her'
'Do you miss her?'
'More than anything. You have no idea how much I regret what happened' he says putting his head down.
'Its good to see you'
'Its good to see you guys too'
The rest of the class come over and greet him. Since the divorce theyve all been really supportive of us. I dont know what Id do without them.
Mom comes out of her office. Everyone goes silent. She looks at James who looks back at her. She moves her focus to us.
'Allright guys! I need you to continue where you finished yesterday! I want to see something good!' she says and then walks off.
I look at dad who sighs.
'Im here for you' I tell him.
'Thanks Evie' he says.
We show him what weve done and hes really impresed. He says he wants to change it up a little and make it a bit more exciting. I guess he knows what hes looking for. You cant argue with someone who has an internationals win under their belt and is the best hip hop dancer in the world.
'Allright guys! That was amazing! It looks great! Take 5 and then well show it to Riley!'
We all go and get drinks.
I go over to him.
'Hey Evie. Good job today. Youve come along way in a year'
I smile.
'Hows things with Jason going?'
'Great actually. Were still going strong'
'Will I be attending a wedding any time soon?'
I laugh.
'Who knows!'
He smiles.
'Listen. I just want to tell you that what you guys have is really special. Dont loose it. And when you do get married, hold on to it. I dont want you making the same mistakes I did. Youll regret it forever. I love your mom so much but because of what I did and because shes dating Al-'
He stops at his name.
'Because shes dating him she doesnt see that. And I dont know if she ever will again'
'She will. Cause well make her. Family always stick together and your of family. Hes not. Well do whatever it takes to get you back with her. I promise that by the end youll have Riley'
He smiles.
'You remind me of Ella'
'You mean that british Ella? The one that you hated from internationals?'
'Yeah her'
'How do I remind you of her?'
'Cause she told me Id get Riley back after she broke up with me and she was right'
'Well Im telling you now that youll have her. I promise'
He smiles.
'Um...I dont know if I should tell you this but Jack asked Jason if he could act as his dad. You know since he is never going to be one and your just so far away. We just really need someone'
'I completly understand'
'Yeah. You need support and if he gives it to you, then so be it'
'I love you dad'
'I love you too baby'
He kisses me and hugs me.
We go back over to the team.
Riley comes out of her office.
'Allright! Lets see what youve got!' she says.
We play the music and start. I cant help but glance over at mom and dad. They are standing apart from eachother. You could fit a person between them and they arent even talking. If only mom knew how much she means to dad.
We finish.
'That was great guys. But why is it different to yesterday?' she asks.
'I wanted to change it up a bit and make it more exciting' dad says.
'More exciting? So you think Michelles choreo isnt exciting enough?'
'I never said that'
I sigh. I know excatly where this is heading. Its going to start of about the choreo and finish about Alfie. Happens every time. I look at the others and becon them out. They dont need to hear my parents fighting. Only me, Jack, Dex and Lilly are left standing infront of our parents fighing once again.
'Im only trying to help the team!'
'By changing her choreo!'
'By improving it!'
'This could loose us everything!'
'Really! Who was the one that choreographed their dances every year and made them win! Me! I know what Im looking for! I know what Im doing!'
'Do you!'
'Yes! Unlike you who cheated on me with another guy!'
'Dont you dare bring Alfie into this!'
'Cant you see what your doing! Just think for one moment how this can effect our children!'
'I love him! I can be with him if I want!'
'Really? Are you really in love with him?'
'Yes! And thats how it is! I love him and he loves me! We love eachother! And dont think that for one minute Im going to love you for what you did!'
'What I did! You cheated on me!'
'You called for the divorce!'
'You said straight to my face that you didnt want to be with me anymore! What did you expect me to do! Say okay Riley! You move on and be happy while were still married! Did you even think about the concequences!'
'There was none!'
'Wasnt there! Im not allowed to see my own childern! Only twice a week!'
'Its not always about you James!'
'Im not trying to make it about me! Im trying to get it into your stuborn head what youve done! Your children are barely managing! Jason has had to act as their dad because they dont have one with them! Im never around anymore and your 'boyfriend' isnt caring about them!'
Riley freezes.
'Yeah thats right. And I bet your barely even there for them anymore!'
'Yes I am!'
'Are you! Cause last time I checked you were hanging with him with your thounge stuck down his throat!'
'Their my children! Of course Im there for them!'
'Id like to think differently!'
'How dare you!'
Ive had enough. Mom needs to be put in place. She needs to see what shes doing is wrong.
'ENOUGH! BOTH OF YOU!' I say stepping foward.
They look at me.
I turn to mom.
'Why dont you just listen to him for once! Hes right! Your never there for us anymore! My boyfriend has had to act as our dad because you wont let us see our real dad! We only see him twice a week! How do you think that feels! How would you like it if you couldnt spend time with your parents! How would you like it if you had to wake up every morning knowing that its going to be no different to the day before. Knowing that you cant spend time with your dad because your mom chose someone else over him! Why cant you see what your doing is wrong!' I tell her.
'I can make my own decisions in life!' mom shouts back at me.
'Are you sure their the right ones?' Jack asks stepping foward.
'Cause I clearly remember walking past Evies room late one night and hearing her crying herself to sleep. Shes been doing this every night. She didnt tell us because she said wed think of her as a faliure. That she has to be strong cause we need her. Why does she feel all this? Cause your not around anymore! We have no parents! Youve taken our dad away from us! You spend all your time with some idiot! Evies boyfriend has to act as our dad instead of spending time with her! And Evie has to mind us cause you couldnt be bothered!'
She looks at us.
'Still think you make the right decisions?' dad asks coldly.
She looks at him.
A troupe slowely walk back in.
Dad backs away and heads towards the door.
'Dad! Where are you going!' I call after him.
'Im done! Clearly your mother knows whats best for the team and she has it under controll. She clearly doesnt need a professional dancer whos worked with Luther Brown and Leon Blackwood and professioal choreographer in the studio. So Im done. Good luck at the competion guys' he says before turning around and walking out.
I look at mom.
'Nice work mom! Are you happy now! Youve just driven him away! With his choreo and Michelles combined we would have had a sick routeem! Thanks to you we dont! Youve taken our chances of winning away! Well done Riley! Well done!' I shout in her face.
'Not only have you taken an amazing choreographer away, but a great friend! Everyone adores him! Why do you have to be so selfish all the time! Cant you see that youve torn this family apart! Were not coping! Im not coping! I cant do this anymore mom! I cant find a good reason to life anymore! For the past weeks I havent found a reason to life! I cant do this!'
'Evie what are you talking about?' she asks.
I pull up my sleeve to reveal red marks. Ive kept it to myself. I started two weeks ago and its not working. Im not able anymore for life.
Everyone gasps.
'Now can yoy see what youve done! Has it taken your own daughter self harming to show you how much youvr affected us!'
Everyone stands shocked.
'Im done mom! I cant live on earth anymore! Its too painful!"
'Evie please'
I turn around and run out of the studio.
I bump into Jason. I look at him.
I kiss him.
'I love you Ja. I hope you know that. I really do. Just be happy and move on without me'
I then run on leaving him confused. I get into my car and drive to the pier.
This is it.
This is where it ends.

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