I got tagged twice...

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KathleenJennings and TiggerHappyTiger, here are the answers to the questions. Not that I wanted to do this... oh well. Btw I also commented my answers in Kathleen's book.

1. What is your favorite color?
2. If you could have any superpower what would it be and why?
Shapeshifting because I like animals
3. What is your favorite fandom?
Transformers, specifically Transformers Prime
4. What would you like me to write more of?
KathleenJennings I would like you to write more Transformers Prime
5. What is your favorite song/band/artist/genre?
Skillet. Or Starset. Or Linkin Park. I think my favorite song is Iridescent by Linkin Park.
6. What did you read recently that you liked?
I read too much to decide on just one..

7. Who is your favorite wattpad writer?
seriowan, KathleenJennings, and Krayzee_Tree
8. Where do you like to spend time?
School, specifically lunch and fifth hour
9. Where do you hope most to visit?
Disney Land for our senior trip, KathleenJennings
10. If you could have one 'do over', what would you do differently?
I would talk to an acquaintance from 7th grade more...

Anyway, now I'm gonna tag some peeps. They better tag me back so I can know what their response is!!


Have fun answering, all the peeps I tagged.

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