Chapter 16

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With what Sapphire told me, I went to my berthroom to think over stuff. I really want to go with Megatron but who knows what will happen. Sapphire says I should go with but I'm really not sure. I keep thinking about my choices and realize what I was going to tell Megatron tomorrow. I fall asleep with a smile on my face as I think about my decision.

I go to say goodbye to Sapphire and my sisters. I give Estra a hug and she whispers in my audio, "Knock Out and I are now sparkmates." I just tighten my grip around as a smile crosses my face. I release Estra from the hug before turning to Star. She hugs me and lets go quickly.

"Just so you know, you may have a nephew or niece when you get back." I grin happily before hugging her again.  I release her from the hug and turn to Galaxy. 

"Got any news for me?", I ask before laughing and pulling her into a hug. She chuckles awkwardly before saying, "Well, me and Smokescreen aren't courting anymore..." I pull away and say, "Oh, I'm so sorry!"

She chuckles and says, "Don't be." When I give her a confused look, she laughs. "We're sparkmates."

I mentally face palm as my smile grows big. I turn to Sapphire and she pulls me into a hug and whispers into my audio receptor.

"By the way, the mech that likes you is the one you're going to be spending a lot of time with." She pulls away before transforming and speeding off while my sisters transform before flying away. I didn't even register that Megatron had landed in front of me until he yelled my name.

"LUNA!", Sapphire yelled. I sit straight up before standing up.

"Yes?", I ask blinking sleep away from my optics.

"Megatron is wondering what your decision is", she answers.

"Oh. Well, it's a good thing I made my decision last night", I say with a small smile on my face while blushing.

"Good. I have a feeling I know what your decision is", she says as she drags me out of my room.

I roll my eyes and follow her quickly. She pushes me to the side and I run into someone and fall to the ground.

I look up and see Megatron. My optics widen before I scramble to stand up.

"I'm so sorry, Megatron! Sapphire pushed me...", I say as I turn to glare at Sapphire but she was gone.

He chuckles and I turn to face him.

"Luna, it's fine. I saw her push you. Anyway, have you made your decision?", he asks.

I nod and smile shyly. "I'll come with you."

He smiles happily and we walk to find my sisters and Sapphire. But they ended up finding us.

"So, what's this I hear about you and Megatron going off together to go find cybertronians?", Star asks while she waggles her optic ridges.

I roll my eyes and blush, surprisingly. Megatron chuckles and asks, "I didn't know you guys knew."

"Sapphire told us", Estra adds. I glare at Sapphire before smiling.

"And yet, I didn't tell her", I say with a grin.

Sapphire chuckles and says, "I mean, it was obvious, considering you were blushing when you said you made your decision last night."

Megatron looks at me curiously before looking at Sapphire. I see Sapphire grin at him and nod. I saw a flash of extreme happiness on his face before it disappears. It happened so quickly that I wasn't sure if I was imagining it or not.

I look at my sisters curiously before talking to them via mental link.

'Do you guys know what's going on?', I ask.

'Yeah...', Estra and Star respond while Galaxy says, 'nope.'

I mentally roll my eyes before chuckling. 

'So is anyone going to tell me what's going on?', I ask.

 'Nope', came from Star and Estra while Galaxy says, 'only if Megatron says we can.'

'Wait, I thought you said you didn't know what's going on', Estra says.

'No one's told me what's going on but it's obvious', Galaxy says.

I ignore their arguing and look at Star who seemed to be ignoring their arguing as well. I looked at Estra and Galaxy and see them looking at each other before realizing they're having a mental conversation.

When it's almost over I saw Star start talking to them via mind and started listening to what she had to say.

'Guys, we know we can't tell her that he likes her', Star says.

'Wait, who likes me', I ask.

'Scrap', they all say at the same time.

'You can't tell me can you?'

'Nope.' I sigh mentally before pulling out of the mental link and turning to Megatron.

"So when are we leaving?", I ask. He doesn't respond immediately and I notice quickly that he staring at something. I look around to see what or who but soon realize it's me he's staring at.

I clear my throat and he jumps looking around before looking at me.

"When are we leaving?", I ask again.

He answers me quickly this time.

"As soon as you've said goodbye to everyone you want to say goodbye to", he says.

I nod before turning to Estra. I pull her into a hug and she whispers into my audio receptor. "Knock Out and I are now sparkmates." I tighten my hug before congratulating and releasing her from the hug.

I turn to Star and hug her. "By the way, you'll most likely have a nephew or niece when you return." I grin at her before turning to Galaxy.

"Let me guess, you and Smokescreen are now sparkmates", I say with a smile. She looks surprised before pulling me into a hug. I hug her quickly before releasing her.

I turn to Sapphire and she pulls me into a hug. "Have fun with Megatron." I smile softly before pulling away from the hug and turn to face everyone.

"I'll miss you guys. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone", I say with a grin before walking over to where Megatron was waiting.

"Ready to go?", I ask as I look up at him.

He nods before walking to the ship. We get on and Megatron sets the autopilot for a random set of coordinates. These next few months will be interesting.

"You know what we should do? Just hop from planet to planet and head to Earth. Then I could visit my human friends and we could see if any bots ended up on Earth", I say before he could start the autopilot. He looks at me and nods. I smile softly as he reenters the coordinates and we head on our way. And then I realize he hasn't said anything since he realized I knew he was staring at me. Huh. I wonder why. I shrug mentally and watch as stars go by. This was going to be an interesting few months. Or however long it will take us. I sigh softly when I realize I had no idea how long it would be until I saw my family or home again.

Megatron looks at me worried before he sighs and gets up and goes to the back. He was thinking hard about something, I could tell but I wasn't going to bother him about it.

The Forgotten One (Transformers Prime fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin