Chapter 15

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I jump as I wake up. I sigh before bringing a servo up to my faceplate. It's not the first time I've had that dream. The one where Megatron kisses me. I never understand why I've had that dream for the past week. It's been three weeks since Unicron was defeated and Optimus sacrificed himself for the new life of Cybertron. So far we've gotten quite a few bots returning to Cybertron. All of them I don't know very well but there's some that Bulkhead, Bee and Arcee have recgonized. I sigh before deciding to head to the Well of AllSparks where I know Optimus would be able to hear me.

I walk out to an empty area and transform before flying away. As I fly, I see Sapphire and Ratchet talking. I continue flying and see Knock Out and Estra messing around before kissing. I growl and keep flying trying to ignore all the couples I see. Wheeljack and Arcee. Star and Predaking. 

I growl as I pass Galaxy and Smokescreen before letting out a pained roar. I wasn't hurt physically or mentally. It was emotional pain that made me roar. I could see all these couples and I couldn't join them without being the third wheel. I growl before flying as far away as possible. Which evidentally was the Well of AllSparks.

I look down in the well before sighing. "Optimus, I could really use you right now. It's getting harder without you here. I've contemplated joining you right now. I've become depressed since you left. Bots try to help but none of them know what to do. They help slightly... but not enough..." I chuckle before continuing. "Well, there is this one mech... he's helped me a lot... I didn't expect him to be the one to help me the most..."

"I suppose you're wondering who this mech is... well, maybe you're not...", I smile with no real emotion in it. "The mech that's been helping me is Megatron. I think I like him... but I'm not sure... Maybe I'll talk to Sapphire about it. It's so different for me... I've only ever liked one mech. and that was you, Optimus... Anyway, I should be going... don't want bots to worry about me."

I stand up and transform, flying to find Sapphire. I find her with Ratchet. Obviously. I swear those to are like sparkmates or something. I remember my dream before rolling my eyes. I doubt that it's real. My imagination was probably just getting to me.

I transform and land close to where Sapphire was. "Sapphire! I need to talk to you about something!", I say while dragging her away from Ratchet.

"What?", she says surprised. I continue dragging her away before turning to face her.

"Seriously, though, what do you need to talk to me about?", she asks.

"Well, it was originally one thing but now that I think about it, it might be two things...", I say while blushing thinking about the original reason I needed to talk to her about.

"Okay... what's the first thing", she asks cautiously...

"Well, do you want the not so weird one first or the really weird one?", I ask.

"Uh... how about the not so weird one first...", she says really confused.

"Okay. Are you and Ratchet sparkmates?", I ask with a dead serious face on.

"Oh. Um... yeah..", she says while looking down. I laugh before pulling her into a hug.

"I knew it!", I shout.

"Uh... what? How?"

I pull away from the hug and put my servos on her shoulders while looking her in the eye.

"Saph... it was obvious. So fragging obvious."



I pull my servos away and smile.

"So what's the really weird reason?", she asks curiously.

"Well... it has to do with a mech... that I'm not sure if I like him or not... I think I do... but I'm not sure if I do", I say blushing as I look down...

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