Chapter 6

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I woke up and recalled the recent events. Let's see, we defeated Unicron using the Matrix of Leadership. Optimus lost his memory. I was really upset about that.

Alright, Luna, time to face the rest of the team and help explain what happened.

I walked out and everyone quieted down.

"Don't stop on my account", I said with a shrug.

I leaned against the wall and waited for them to continue talking. They stared at me for a couple minutes but then continued.

"If Optimus did not know his own name, perhaps it is because the title of Prime hadn't been granted to him yet", Ratchet said.

A lot of confusion went around and I laughed bringing the attention to me.

"Optimus wasn't always Optimus. He was Orion Pax, my best friend. We met Megatronus, and became like the three muskateers, as the humans put it. Of course, we also already knew Ratchet but he was just the plus one." Ratchet glared at me for that and I grinned at him. "Anyway, he wasn't born as a Prime. He was Orion Pax, and he was mentored by my sire, Alpha Trion at the Iacon Hall of Records."

The silence was overwhelming me as everyone stared at me.

"What?!", I finally snapped.

Ratchet answered. "Alpha Trion... is your sire?"

"I believe I just said that", I say getting slightly annoyed.

"How long have you known?", Ratchet asks.

I sigh as I launch into my story.

"I went with Optimus and Megatron into Unicron's spark chamber. I was surprised by how huge his spark was... Optimus tried to use the matrix of leadership on it but Unicron's spark protected kind of slapped him I guess. He also slapped Megatron and tried to slap me but this blue energy protected me..."

"Wait, blue energy?", Arcee interrupted.

"Yes. Now let me continue", I said, "so the blue energy protected me and Unicron took over Megatron's body and said, 'what?! A direct descendant of Primus himself? Here?!' I fainted after that but my dream was weird. I met Alpha Trion and he told a bunch of stuff and then told me to ask Megatron who my parents where. So I did just that. And he said Alpha Trion was my sire."

Everyone stares at me again and I sigh, finally asking the question I had been dreading.

"What's the plan to get Optimus back?", I asked.

"We're not sure yet. Optimus gave the key to Vector Sigma though", Jack said.

"So you need to go to Cybertron?", I ask.

"What? I thought it was just some sort of supercomputer!", Jack exclaims.

"Vector sigma is an ancient source of mystical power on Cybertron", Ratchet says.

Jack looks doubtful at first but then he looks determined even as his mom starts yelling at him.

"Jackson Darby, you will NOT be traveling to another planet", she yelled.

"I'm in", Miko says.

"You will not be going either! Not one when one of you can!", June yelled at Miko and the Autobots. The Autobots looked at each other in surprise.

"June's right. Why send a boy to do a bot's job?", Fowler cut in.

"Because only a Prime can access Vector Sigma or one chosen by a Prime", Ratchet said, "Optimus gave the keycard to Jack. It is now imprinted with his unique biosignature."

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