Chapter 17

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*Megatron's POV*

Sapphire chuckled when Luna glared at her. "I mean, it was obvious, considering you were blushing when you said that you had made your decision last night."

I look at Luna, curious about why she was blushing when she said she had made her decision. I look at Sapphire with a question in my eyes and she grins at me apparently knowing what I was asking and she nods slightly. When she nodded it was all I could do to keep myself from hugging Luna and telling her that I like her.

She looks at her sisters curiously and they all watch each other for a while before Luna turns to me.

She looks around and then looks back at me and then clears her throat. I jump when I realize she had caught me staring at her.

"When are we leaving?", she asks.

I answer quickly so I could hide the fact that I was blushing.

"As soon as you've said goodbye to everyone you want to say goodbye to." She nods and I walk away so she can have a little bit of privacy as she says goodbye to her family and closest friend.

I got lost in my thoughts a little bit but I was pulled out of them when I noticed Luna coming over to me.

"Ready to go?", she asks as she looks up at me. I nod and walk into the ship with Luna following close behind me.

I type in random coordinates for the autopilot but before I could start it, Luna starts talking.

"You know what we should do? Just hop from planet to planet and head to Earth. Then I could visit my human friends and we could see if any bots ended up on Earth", she says. I look at her and nod. As I reenter the coordinates I could see her thinking about something from the corner of my optics. It was when she sighed that I looked over at her worried.

She was looking out the window and all I could think about was how beautiful she looked when she did that. I mentally growled and stood up and walked to the back.

How is it possible that someone as beautiful and kind as her likes someone like me?! The mech who started the war because he was jealous of someone he considered a brother. I growled softly before punching the wall. I suddenly felt a servo on my arm. I looked up to see Luna. I sighed and brought my arm down and just looked down.

"Megatron... are you okay? You haven't said a word since you realized I knew you were staring at me... Something's wrong, I can tell. If you don't want to tell me, that's fine. If you ever need to talk to me about something just come and find me. I'm always willing to listen", she says. I sigh before looking up at her and pulling her into a hug. She tenses up before slowing putting her arms around me.

I sighed contently and smile when she asks a simple question.

"This feels right... Why does this feel right?", she asks.

*Luna's POV*

Megatron pulls me into a hug and I freeze before tentatively hugging him back. I could hear his sparkbeat from where my helm was positioned and I smile slightly.

"This feels right... Why does this feel right?", I ask feeling very content to just stay there.

Megatron pulls away enough for him to look down at me and for me to look up at him.

"Perhaps...", he trailed off before continuing. "Luna, may I try something?"

I nod and he slowly leans in. I immediately knew what was going to happen and close my eyes as his lips get closer to mine.

He kisses me and I kiss back. When he pulls away, I just look at him in shock.

"Wait... does this mean...", I trail off.

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