chapter 20

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Andy's POV

   I left the office after Nico was taken away. I wanted him dead but him not being here anymore made me feel a bit better. I left to search for Skylar so we could hang out for awhile. I went to her room knocked on her door and her mother answered. She smiled and motioned for me to come in.

   "Hello Andy Skylar went to get some books, you can wait here for her if you like."

   "Thanks Darya I'll wait for her how long do you think it will be?"

   "She should be here in a minute she has been gone for awhile."

   I sat on the couch in the room and she opened a small compartment and took out water. She brought one over to me and we both drank some to pass time. It wasn't long before I saw Skylar enter the room and she rushed over to me. She seemed excited and I was curious about what got her to be like that.

   "Honey your acting like the energy bunny, what got you so excited?" Darya said.

   "Look I found this cool book on famous mutants and I wanted to share it with Andy."

   "Cool does it have the X-Men in there? I want to learn more about wolverine," I asked her.

   "Why don't we look through it together I haven't looked at it yet."

   Skylar sat next to me and her mom stood behind the couch looking over us. The first page was an introduction about what we would read in the book. We turned pages reading about the history of the X-Men. We got to a page that caught my attention right away. It seemed to interest Skylar too because she stopped on it to read it as well.

   "Andrea and Andreas Von Strucker," Skylar read out loud.

   "Says here they were sibling who were some of the most powerful mutants," Darya said to us.

   "The brother brought chaos tearing things apart."

   "While the sister had the control of making shields by putting the elements together," Darya finished for Skylar.

   "But together by only holding hands they were known as Fenris, the wolf," I finished.

   I read with them how they were Nazi terrorist and they disappeared being chased by the X-Men. What got to me was how Lauren and me shared the same powers and the same last name. Could I be related to these people I hoped not, it said they were monsters.

   "Hey, Andy what is your last name?" Skylar asked.

   "My last name is Strucker."

   "You and your sister share the same powers as them," Darya said next.

   "How could you not tell me you were related to Nazi's."

   "I didn't know at all, and how do you know I'm related to them it could just be a coincidence."

   "If it's just a coincidence why don't we find out for sure," Darya told the both of us.

   "Mom what do you mean?"

   "I mean when they held hands they were powerful and became one. Why don't we test it out with him and Lauren."

   "What that's insane it said they were monsters, I don't want to become a monster."

   "I trust you and Lauren, your both nice people nothing like those siblings,"Skylar told me gripping my hand.

   "You could at least try what harm could it do," Darya finished.

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