Chapter 14

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John's POV

"Sonia please tell me exactly what you saw."

"John I swear in Clarice's memory I saw her find an injured James where she was living at."

"Lauren we have to cut this short, I'll see you later okay."

"Sure, I'll see you," she said before leaving to I don't know where.

I followed Sonia back to Clarice's room when she asked about Lauren.

"So your helping to train that girl, that's nice John."

Well I forgot to tell Sonia what Lauren was to me but James was my goal right now. After this I'll talk to her I decided. We finally got to Clarice and she sat up waiting for what we would say

"Clarice do you remember anything about who you saw in your memory," I asked her.

"I didn't even remember his name, Sonia was the one to tell me. But I know in my heart that he is my soul mate."

"Soul Mate?" I asked shocked.

"That's why your eyes got a reaction from me because you both have the same eyes and facial structure."

"Okay well you see, James is my younger brother. He left 2 years ago to look for someone. I guess that someone was you."

"Wow, I can't believe my soul mate is your brother, I need to find him right now."

"You can't, at least not yet,"I heard Sonia say.

"She's right we have to wait until you have all your memories back. That way we can see where to start."

"Fine okay then, if you need me I'll be in the library."

After we spoke I walked backed to my room with Sonia following. Clarice was my only chance of finding James and bringing him here safe and sound. With that last thought I got to my room and sat on my bed. Sonia sat next to me hugging me around my neck, rubbing herself against me, and started kissing my cheek. I pulled away from her and I saw the hurt expression.

"John what's wrong is it because your thinking of James."

"Clarice your a great friend and are important to me, but there's something you need to know."

"John I love you and I want to be with you. Can't you accept that and be with me."

"Here let me show you something."

I held her hand in mine and put my wrist inside her palm, with the bronze words facing her. When she looked down I saw her face become sad. Tears were building up in her eyes and my heart broke. I didn't want to hurt her like this, but she needed the truth.

"Sonia I'm sorry I found out yesterday, I hope you understand this happens only once in a life time."

"I know it's just I'm so selfish and jealous. You found your mate, but I don't have mine and now I can't have you."

"Sonia if I found mine I'm sure you'll find yours."

"Who is she?your soul mate I mean."

"Her name is Lauren and she came here with her brother and Clarice. You saw her this morning in my room."

"I need time so I'll leave."


"Not now I'm hurting I need to heal."

I watched her leave and let out a big sigh. I'll admit if I didn't find my soul mate I would have given in and be with Sonia right now. But I'm happy I didn't because I have the one meant for me and I'll be happy.

Andy's POV

   I opened my eyes to see sunlight shining through the window, hitting my face. I shut my eyes only to open them again to adjust them to the brightness. I looked over and notice Lauren wasn't there, but food and a drink were. I got up looked at my phone and saw it was 11:30.

   I made my bed, ate my food, and left the room to look for Lauren or Skylar, whoever he ran into first. I walked around for awhile and saw Skylar talking with an older woman on the couch from the day before.

   Must be her mom I thought because they look similar. I debated going to them for 5 minutes until Skylar turned around, saw me, and motioned for me to come. I had no choice now since she saw me, so I made my way over.

   "Andy this is my mom Darya and mom this is Andy."

   "Ah my daughters soul mate who she won't stop talking about," I heard Darya say in amusement.

    I noticed how both females have the same eyes, but Darya has black hair with blue tint to it. They look the same except for the really small wrinkles around the eyes and mouth.

   "Nice to meet you I'm Andy, but you already knew that," I said blushing from embarrassment.

   "Haha nothing for you to be embarrassed about. I'll leave you kids alone to talk now."

   Darya walked away from us laughing while doing so. I turned back towards Skylar only to see her giggling.

   "My mom is really cool, she can make people fluster real easily."

   "My mom was the....," I stopped mid sentence.

   "Oh I'm sorry I forgot, I shouldn't be talking about my mom in front of you like that."

   "No it's fine It's just...I'll get over it."

   "Hey I have cards do you want to play war with me to pass time."

   "Sure Sky sounds like fun."


   "It's a nick name, I thought it was cute."

   "I like it, but what can I call you?"

   "Andy is my Nick name, it's short for Andrew."

   "And I learned something new from you. Come with me to get the cards."

   She grabbed my hand and held it, before she looped her arm with mine. We look like a couple walking side by side the way we were, and I couldn't be any happier. We were just about to enter her room when we heard an explosion.

   "What the hell!" I shouted covering Skylar with my body from the debris falling.

   There was a cloud of dust that was slowly starting to fade away. After a few minutes I could see a body. I realized it was the jerk Nico from the day before. What happened to him I thought. I got closer to see the damage, when Marcos and Lorna showed up. A woman was next to them ordering 2 guys to pick the boy up.

   "Alright nothing to see here, just continue what you were doing," I heard Marcos Say.

   What happened I wondered to myself only to feel tapping on my shoulder. I turned towards Skylar who was looking up so I looked up as well. What I saw made me Angry as hell I started shaking the whole building. I couldn't hear anything I only felt the anger, I didn't even feel Skylar holding me back from advancing on an injured Nico.

I'm sorry it took so long. I had a toothache for a couple days and my dentist was out on vacation. Took a lot of ibuprofen and slept too not feel the pain. I'm all better now so expect a chapter tomorrow.

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