
16 0 0

The days after were pretty darn boring:

Wake up.

Eat breakfast.

Get ready.

Go to school.









She invited Geoff to the park.

As they walked, Geoff lifted his opal eyes to hers and she smiled and ruffled his dark hair.

They talked, and talked, about random things and never got tired of each other.

She carried a basket for their picnic and they sat down on a rug under a tree.

And they laughed together, until she saw him.


He was just standing there, his handsome features splayed nervously across his face.

He looked surprised, and maybe a bit angry at the same time.

And he approached her.

"I invited you here, and you alone. Why did you bring this loser?" he said, his finger shaking as he pointed at Geoff.

"I don't want to speak to you," she said, simply, avoiding his gaze.

He lowered his head, cursed under his breath, and stomped away, to his home probably.


"What was that about?" Geoff asked, demolishing a peanut butter sandwich.

And she smirked, proud of herself. She looked to the left, and she saw a familiar girl sitting on a bench, writing intently in a notepad.

And then the girl looked up and almost jumped as she met her cool eyes.


Hello dear lovelies, 

I'm so sorry about my lack of Wattpad-ing... it's been like 2 years??? Is that even forgiveable? I'm so so sorry I have just been so busy with life in general and kind of forgot/neglected my Wattpad.. I doubt I will get any views on this chapter, but when I rediscovered my account (and remembered my darn password) I hit 2.1k views! Thank you guys so much! I remember being so happy for just 100 views! Hope you'll still read on, as I have the rest of the draft chapters saved :) Just a few more to go! I will be probably posting a new series soon (a lot has happened in these 2 years) and now that I'm 2 years older (hah) I wonder how my writing will change... I also notice that I switch tenses a lot in this story, so please forgive my old self! 
Hope you are all doing well.. I will do my best to reply to your comments on my story, 

Lots of Love, 
Macey xxx 

(P.S. Look forward to the end of this series)  

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