Bill Cipher Blackmail Pictures

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Xatik: You got Black mail! Gotta love it! Thank you Animelover44131 who was so kind that she even contributed to our Bill Cipher Blackmail!

Axel: yeah! *fistpumps the air with his good arm since this other is currently in a cast and sling*

Bill: I hate all of you.

May it begin!

Xatik: thank you Animelover! It's appreciated!

Bill: NOT!

Axel: what the hell. Who is that?

Bill: I'll never admit to it!

Xatik: Bill waking up after Nightmare gave him a nightmare.

Bill: that never happened.

Xatik: Stanly laughing his but off after I showed him Bill's baby picture.

Bill: I blame you.

Xatik: Bill is so cute when he's a sleep!

Bill: what the hell?! You stalk me in my sleep as well.

Xatik: of course.

Xatik: baby pictures!

Bill: I thought I burned all of them...

Xatik: Giddy up, antarabbit!

Bill: go Jackalope riding one time...

Xatik: huh. I never took this..

Bill: ok I took this one.

Bill: and this.


Bill: my account was hacked! Probably by Xatik!

Xatik: I asked Axel to.

Axel: I asked Demyx to.

Bill: you're all to blame!

Xatik: its true! You do!

Bill: whatever.

Xatik: between this and the earlier one... is there something I need to know?

Bill: if there was you would know.

Axel: thats a good point. Or should I say, points.

Xatik: thats a terrible pun.

Bill: for once we agree.

Xatik: your pretty good for a nacho.

Bill: Ive practiced for about a billion years.

Axel: well in that case you're terrible.

Xatik:awwww! I'm shipping it!
Bill: thats not me.
Axel: then who?
Bill:.... your mom.
Xatik: my mom was murdered.
Axel: I'm was adopted.

Xatik: Bill in a box!

Axel: how'd you get that one?

Xatik: I knocked him out and stuffed him in a box. When he woke up and poked his head out I took a picture.

Bill: I proceeded to try and kill you.

Xatik: it was worth it. I mean look at that face.

Bill: I'll massacre you both.

Axel: how.. you know what I won't ask.

Xatik: RUN!!


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