Chapter 11

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Narrator POV

As Sonic was thinking too much. She was thinking if she can text Shadow or not. Sonic of course probably didn't told Scourge, Silver, Sonia and Manic who was the guy that she is felling for.

She went downstairs to get cup of water. To rethink if Shadow will answer her back at least one text. She up to her room. Then she grab her phone. She was still thinking to send a text to Shadow.

Main while for Shadow he was over thinking just like Sonic at least. So he went downstairs to get a cup of water and to rethink on what he is going to do. He was still thinking but don't know what to do.

Sonic POV

I couldn't sleep at all, like if I was over thinking about something. Ughhh but I really want to tell them but they are asleep unless someone is still awake. Shadow doesn't have to go to sleep for at least 6 or 7 hours of asleep.

Hmm should I text him. Even he doesn't like to text me or call me or even talk to me. I might as well try.

On phone:

Me- Hey shads you awake still.

Shadow- Yes what do you want Faker.

Me- Nothing much just want to ask you something.

Shadow- That is?

Me- Hehe if you have the courage to tell someone about something you were hiding for many years and don't have the right time to do it either. But maybe is able to tell one person.

Shadow- Then you might as well tell that one person Faker.

Me- Okay then and thx. By the way its Sonic not Faker, Shads.

Shadow- And its Shadow not Shads. You should know that I hate nicknames.

Me- Yeah I know that Shadow.

Shadow- Even why were asking me instead someone else Faker.

Me- Hehe because everyone is sleeping expect probably you.

Shadow- Oh okay then, even good night.

Me- Yeah, good night.

That wasn't to bad. I should go get some sleep before I get to sleepy for cave adventure. Even I might tell Shadow when we are alone at least. To see his reaction or something. I am going to bed now.

*With Shadow*
Shadow POV

Why did Faker even ask me that. Hmm he might tell someone then I wish it could be me. Who would know I was getting feelings for him as well. I should go get some sleep at least. I went up to my room then went to my bed.

I am so sleepy but hey looks like you guys are liking it so far. Even should I do a Q&A for me and might add other ppl as well. Comment down if I should do it. If I get an enough Yes then I'll do it. Bye until next time(^ω^)

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